Chapter 16

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The ride back was just as quiet as the ride there. (Y/n)’s hand shook slightly, but she shoved them under her bag so other people couldn’t see.

The lack of proper equipment while they were all waiting for their rescue meant (Y/n) had to amputate Jesse’s arm, something she never wanted to think about ever again. They would have to bring in Angela to make him a replacement, since (Y/n) didn’t have the experience to do so herself.

A few agents carried Jesse and Simon to the medical wing, where Angela and Moira awaited and were already attending a few others that had been brought back before (Y/n)’s group. She felt a little relief that Blackwatch didn’t abandon its members after all, and that she wouldn’t have to deal with all of the wounded on her own.

She felt less relieved when she heard she would be the bearer of bad news for the family of those who died.

Angela had already shuffled into a separate room with some giant machinery, while a random agent carted Jesse in for his, ah, surgery.

Genji had long since disappeared, both a relief and a strain on (Y/n)’s anxiety, as she knew she would need to give him a checkup later.

And finally, Simon. (Y/n) was at a loss. When looking over casualty reports, her heart sank when she spotted his brother’s name on the list. He was one of the few people who didn’t immediately look down on (Y/n) for existing, even if it made her feel jumpier and distrustful of kindness in the beginning.

Shuffling to where he was resting, (Y/n)’s stomach turned as she tried to make her mouth function. She generally hated interacting with strangers, but this was a stranger whose life she saved. Did that really make her more qualified to deliver the death of his family?

“I have news,” (Y/n) finally choked out, though Simon remained stoic as ever. “I’m afraid that… Your brother, Jake, he…” passed away.

“Is dead,” someone finished for her, in a much blunter way than she would have liked. Simon didn’t flinch, but (Y/n) did when she realized who spoke.

Moira… Zero bedside manners. Still intimidating as ever. Still kind of a bitch.

“I’m sorry for your loss,” (Y/n) turned back to Simon who looked down but said nothing. Some time passed, and she heard Moira swish away.

“We knew the risks when we joined Blackwatch. I appreciate the information.” And that was that.

Floating away to her next task, (Y/n) wondered what life would be like if she could gather the courage to ask Moira what the hell her problem was. If her rage would ever be greater than her fear. She started to feel like she was boiling alive from the sudden anger that grabbed her, but stomped it down with a quiet sadness. Just like she normally does.

Double checking that nobody else was on the verge of death, she slipped away to the kitchens, and fixed herself some goldfish and a mug of tea. The steam blew into her eyes, making them water. Or maybe that was the stress reaching a breaking point.

(Y/n) wished Jesse was there. Or Angela. Or even Genji. At least then she wouldn’t be moping alone, although she was sure that Genji’s version of “moping” was much more refined.

What an oddly intrusive thought, (Y/n) mused. At least now we know he isn’t a psychopath. There has to be some kind of compassion in that metallic heart. Money’s still out on him being a sociopath though.

A black-clad figure slid on the bench across from (Y/n), startling her but not enough to make her tea spill.



It was less terrifying to face a dude with guns compared to almost being blown up twice. And chopping off someone’s arm. Commander Reyes still had a suffocating presence, although now (Y/n) came to see him with less fear and more respect. He had organized the rescue parties faster than a blink of an eye, and with far more coolness than she had even when she wasn’t under stress.

“Well done on the impromptu recovery mission. It is unlikely that Agent McCree would have survived without your aid.” (Y/n) resisted the urge to let her jaw tumble to the ground, but she’s pretty sure she stopped breathing.

“Just doing my job sir…” she mumbled, leaning away from the steam in hopes that her eyes would sting less.

“No, it was not your job to do anything beyond provide medical aid and stay alive. Your ability to react calmly under pressure and cooperate has immensely helped in the relief efforts following the explosion.” Reyes was curt and right to the point. So flat that (Y/n) almost missed his actual words.

Calmly? I was barely thinking straight the entire time! Even before everything went to shit.

Suddenly, the irrational urge to cry slapped (Y/n) in the face. At least seven people had died, and there was nothing she could have done about it. There was nothing, nothing, nothing--

“After all the agents recover, you will likely be sent on another mission post haste. Be sure to allow yourself to rest as well.”

Another one-- actually no, you should have expected this.

“We will make efforts to keep you at the base once Moira’s suspension has been lifted however, and you will have more time to idle afterwards. Until then, good luck.” And then he was gone.

Moira? Suspended? For what…? (Y/n) pondered this briefly, but a tear slid into her mouth and she was quickly distracted. Salty. Ew.

Resisting the need to sob out loud, she allowed a few more tears to fall. Rationally, she knew that the act of crying supposedly makes people feel better. She wasn’t feeling any better. Out of the corner of her eye, a silver flash gleamed in the hallway beyond the door.

The goldfish in her dish smiled up at (Y/n), and she sighed heavily and powerwalked after Genji. He turned before she reached him, hearing her with his super-ninja senses.

“Finish these before you sleep for the night,” (Y/n) exhaustedly shoved the goldfish into him. “I swear, everyone here’s terrible at setting eating schedules.”

“I do not need this,” Genji held the dish back to her and looked like he was going to sneer, but decided against it. But she knew he wanted to.

Staring at him with tired eyes, (Y/n) mustered her best “I’m in charge here” look.

It didn’t work, but oh well.

Trudging past him and ignoring the outstretched hand, (Y/n) began to mosey back to her room.

“Eat your damn food, Genji,” (Y/n) said. Then a little quieter: “Everyone here’s gonna get their goddamn nutrients and have a proper fuckin’ eating schedule, so help me god.”

He made a tiny scandalized noise from behind her, but let her walk away. Her eyes crinkled at finally being able to take him off guard for just a moment. Maybe she should swear out loud more often.

(Y/n) fell asleep smiling, crying, and hugging her pillow pet like her life depended on it.

A/N: So I was gonna add like 3 more super-long scenes but decided against it. Would you guys prefer to see longer chapters with brief time skips or keep it like this? Fair warning that longer chapters might mean longer waits...


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