Chapter 4

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(Y/n) was just about to step into her new home when the tinted doors nearly slammed into her face. She let out a small shriek, nearly knocking over Angela as she scuttled backward, avoiding the dark glass.

Curious but untrusting dark eyes looked down at the women, and an awkward apology left the owner of those dark eyes. (Y/n) blurted an apology, both to her friend she stumbling into and the stranger once she came to her senses, straightening the wrinkles in her clothes. She caught a strong cigar scent, coughing a little.

"(Y/n). (L/n). That's me," (Y/n) said clumsily, shoving her hand forward for the man before her to shake and looking up at him like a lost puppy.

A firm grip met her hand, and (Y/n) finally took a moment to notice the odd get-up of the stranger. "Jesse. McCree. That's me," Jesse teased with a heavy southern drawl, bringing (Y/n)'s hand to his lips, watching her turn a brilliant red.

(Y/n) clutched her hand subconsciously, speaking the first thing in her mind to avoid awkward silence. "Are you American? You look like a cowboy."

"What, the accent didn't give it away?" He asked with a playful smile, nodding his head towards Angela as a greeting. "So you're the newbie?"

(Y/n) gave him a thin smile, lacing her fingers together. "Yeah. Do you know where I'm supposed to go? I just know my dorm is in this building..."

"I know where it is," Jesse stated before realizing the lack of context. "Everybody here has been looking forward to having an official medic, I mean. God knows we need one. Your stuff just got to your room too."

"Still smoking, McCree?" Angela spoke up, obviously familiar with the newcomer. "What have I said about that?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You'll have to tell me again, doc. I don't seem to ever remember," Jesse snarked humorously.

"Well it looks like you're already acquainted with someone who knows this place," Angela turned to (Y/n), effectively ending her previous conversation. "I'd better get back to the bay. See you, dear!"

Soon, (Y/n) found herself walking down a hallway with dark color themes, absorbing information as she was shown the training area, the new infirmary, and finally, her room. There was almost no sound besides the light jingle of Jesse's spurs.

"Hey, why do you wear spurs? Isn't that incredibly ineffective for missions and stuff?" (Y/n) asked, interested.

"Funny story about that, actually," Jesse chuckled lightly. "Someone complained to the Commander that I walked to quietly, so he convinced me to put spurs on my boots. Something about not getting my brains blown out by trigger-happy people.

"Anyway, here we are. Most of us are usually in the training room or out on missions, so don't freak out if you don't see us for a while. I think our schedule is a little more relaxed, so... yeah."

(Y/n) noticed that Jesse had a tendency to ramble when nobody else was talking, which, don't get her wrong, she was grateful for. She didn't like tense situations either.

"Thank you, I honestly expected everyone here to be crazed agents who like scaring people too much," (Y/n) said as she turned to her new friend, flashing a wry grin.

"Yeah well, it ain't easy being the new guy around here. You're gonna be meeting everyone else soon in the med-bay, twenty minutes."

"Seriously though. Thanks." (Y/n) repeated, trying to get her point across.

"No problem, kiddo," Jesse replied, turning away. An offended expression appeared on (Y/n)'s face: "Kiddo? You're like, less than five years older than me!"

"Would you rather I called you shortie?" He asked rhetorically, already halfway down the hall and almost out of sight.

(Y/n) huffed and entered her room, immediately flopping on her twin sized bed face-first. "I'm not short." She insisted to her duvet, rolling over.

(Y/n) opened a box, pulling out her tea mugs and plushies, accustoming herself to her new room. It was larger than the last, had a desk with a chair, a walk-in closet, and a door connecting to the bathroom. It reminded her of those lovely hotels she and Angela would stay at on their breaks, only less pretty and there are no chocolates on the pillows.

Pulling out her textbooks and laptop, (Y/n) made herself at home. At last, she picked up her final plushie, a pachimari, and set it nicely on her shelf beside the window.

Checking out the walk-in closet, (Y/n) found several uniforms similar to Angela's, but with the Blackwatch insignia on the upper sleeve as well as being colored the Blackwatch color scheme, unlike hers, which had the Overwatch main colors; blue, orange, and white. She was also pleased to see a white lab coat.

Slipping on a uniform and the coat, (Y/n) admired herself in the mirror a little, pulling her hair into a pony-tail. The smile fell off a face a little when she realized that this was it. She was officially part of Blackwatch.

A/N: Hey guys, cry here. I know things are going slow rn but trust me, things will begin picking up from here. But don't expect anything quick or rushed. This is going slow for a reason, but me and Kawaii are aware if we are going too slow. We won't disappoint you, I promise.


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