Chapter 3

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Gabe circled around (Y/n), watching every little reaction she had to every step he took. He knew precisely how intimidating he was, and was impressed with how she handled herself. From what he heard from Angela, she had self-esteem and anxiety problems, but his newest recruit had passed his little "test" with flying colors. Stopping behind her, he saw her tense up but force relaxation a moment after.

"My name is Gabriel Reyes, but you will address me as Commander or Commander Reyes. You don't know me, you've never heard of me, and I haven't expected you to. My organization values secrecy and discretion above all else."

"Yes, Commander," (Y/n) replied on instinct, hoping she hadn't overstepped any boundaries or spoken out of line.

(Y/n)'s eyes flickered towards Commander Morrison's, but he said nothing. This has to be a test, she thought to herself. She had hoped to find a little bit of reassurance in the face of Overwatch, but his expression gave away nothing. (Y/n)'s fate now lied with the menacing man circling around her like a shark. Commander Reyes was now facing her, observing carefully.

"Blackwatch and Overwatch share similar names, but there is a key difference between us..." (Y/n) saw Morrison roll his eyes at Reyes's antics out of the corner of her eye. Um, hello? I'm about to pass out, and you're gonna roll your eyes? (Y/n) wanted to scream, but continued staring straight forward.

Suddenly, Commander Reyes stepped incredibly close to (Y/n). She didn't dare step back but tilted her head up slightly to challenge his dark gaze. She had never felt so suffocated in her life, and her palms were starting to sweat. "We work without the bindings of law. If you so much as whisper the word 'Blackwatch' even in your sleep, my men and I will have your head."

"Gabe, enough, man," Commander Morrison spoke up, throwing a casual smile as if he hadn't just heard a death threat. Reyes stared down at her for a few more seconds before finally backing off. (Y/n) took a deep but inaudible breath, thankful that there were finally no eyes on her. "We're here to inform her, not scare her to death." Morrison stood from his seat and walked over to (Y/n). His gaze was much less intense and (Y/n) found herself easing a bit, but adrenaline was still running high.

"I trust Doctor Zeigler. If she says that you are of use to us, then I don't doubt her. But I need to know if you accept first before we go any further."

(Y/n) blinked, realizing that the whole thing was her choice, not an order. On the one hand, her studies would be funded, and she wouldn't have to worry about any expenses, not to mention she could have a full-time job. A paid one at that. On the other, she would have to deal with people like Commander Reyes, people who would follow through with death threats. A new thought appeared randomly: Would Genji be there?

(Y/n) pressed her lips together, thinking hard. Am I capable of seeing Genji again?

She looked at Morrison. "And if I refuse?"

"That's a pretty big if," he said smiling, already knowing what her answer would be. However, there's still a question going through her mind that has yet to be answered. Why am I being offered this? What would I even be doing?

This time it was Commander Reyes who spoke. "We had originally planned on asking Angela, but she had declined. That is until she mentioned you. We can't keep having Blackwatch agents visiting her, or else we risk being found." (Y/n)'s mind instantly went to her encounter with Genji, only for her thoughts to be cut short by Reyes's voice. "Your experience in both physical treatments, as well as knowledge on the mental states, is why you are more than qualified for this job. Should you accept, you will become Blackwatch's medic."

That didn't exactly answer her question, but (Y/n) supposed that she wasn't going to say "no" anyways.

"....When do I start?"


"So? What happened?" Angela asked, even though she already knew the answer.

"The first rule of fight club is that we don't talk about fight club," (Y/n) murmured, exhaustedly sipping the chamomile tea Angela brewed.

"Blackwatch, right?"

(Y/n) choked on her tea, staring at Angela with wide eyes. She shushed her friend frantically, looking up and down the hallways for Commander Reyes to come karate-chopping the woman in half. "We don't talk about fight club," (Y/n) hissed, but Angela just laughed, continuing to help her friend pack. (Y/n) would be moving to the Blackwatch dormitories. And as promised, they would fund her studies. She felt so relieved to know that student loans wouldn't be hanging over her head anymore.

"I'm assuming you met Gabe? Don't worry so much, he just likes scaring new recruits." Angela said, putting your panda pillow pet in a box. "You know, he was the leader of the original Overwatch strike team. I guess he's still that same leader who just wants the best for his agents." You drained your mug and took out the pillow pet, frowning at your attachment with the plushie.

"I don't know... I don't think he would see me as one of his. I would mostly just get in the way," (Y/n) said quietly, filling herself with self-doubt and insecurities. Angela's eyes softened, knowing that (Y/n)'s worst enemy was herself. (Y/n) was suddenly engulfed in a hug, "Don't ever think of yourself as something so easy to dispose of. Just give it time, I'm sure you'll charm all the Blackwatch agents." (Y/n) relaxing into her friend's embrace, wondering what she did to deserve such a wonderful friend.

"We should get your stuff to your new place," Angela grinned excitedly, picking up the box she put down earlier. Putting it down on a carrier platform, the two women watched the platform float off to (Y/n)'s new dorm.

As Angela helped (Y/n) navigate through the base, she realized how large it was, only having ever walked to her office and then to Angela's. The site was much like a university, with a large cafeteria, and an outdoor area with the green scenery. There was also a gym, which doubled as a training area. Most of your patients came from there. "I never knew this place was so big. I think I might get lost," (Y/n) commented, trying to memorize the directions.

"You start to know your way around the more you walk," Angela replied. (Y/n) crossed the outdoor area and went to an entirely new building, unlabeled and cut off from the rest of the base. The building was still quite large, although anybody could tell that fewer people lived there than in the main dormitories. The friends both stopped outside the French glass doors. It was hard to make out what was on the other side, the glass is heavily tinted. Angela smiled at (Y/n) encouragingly, "Be sure to visit, Liebling. Are you ready?"

"Yeah..." (Y/n) breathed, completely not ready for what was to come.

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