Chapter 7

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A/N: woo, holy crap! I deeply apologize for making you all wait for this, but i thank you all for being so patient! A lot of reasons happened as to why we hadn't been posting. School, motivation, etc, but most of all we were baffled at where to continue from the previous chapter. Even Kawaii was stuck and she rarely gets stuck so badly, but to make it up to you, heres a chapter. We apologize it is so short, but rest assure, chapter 8 is half way done and we will see to it that this won't happen again. Again, thank you all <3


Silence passed between the two people as they stared at each other like some sort of contest. (Y/n) knew of her new responsibilities as Blackwatch's new medic, she wasn't, however, expecting to oversee Genji and his conditions. She thought, from what she had heard, that Angela was more qualified for doing this. She was, after all, the one to bring him back from the brink of death.

"Doctor (L/n)," He called her name with impatience underlining his voice. "Perhaps you should stop staring and help me..." He said as if it should be obvious why he was here. (Y/n)'s cheeks dusted a slight pink, realizing she was, in fact, staring somewhat dumbfounded.  It was also then that she had realized that he was there needing aid. She had been so caught up in the surprise visit she hadn't even recognized how scuffed up and bloodied he was. Her newfound doctor instincts kicked in and she went straight to work. 

Pulling Genji along into the room, hearing him grunt out of irritation from being touched. (Y/n) however didn't care, and she sat him down on one of the various beds. She got some antiseptics as well as some bandages to clean his cuts and wounds. There were some that would require stitching, luckily she had some knowledge in that department thanks to Angela. The first thing she wanted to know was what happened, so naturally, she asked questions.

"What happened, Genji?" Several moments of silence went by as (Y/n) got to work on first cleaning the blood off of him and his cuts and wounds. It was as if Genji was debating on whether to tell her or not. After all, it wasn't really her business, so if he decided not to say anything, she would respect his privacy. 

"I paid a visit to my old home in Japan." He said calmly. This slightly unnerved (Y/n), seeing as how that had worked out for him, she was surprised he remained so calm. Maybe that's what made it more startling. (Y/n) continued working on patching him up before she had recalled back what Jake had said to her. She hesitated about saying anything, but her curiosity was killing her.

"You say you visited your old home... Do you mean your old clan?" As soon as she said that, (Y/n) felt his eyes on her. He had yet to say anything, so she continued. "I uh... I know someone who had told me about you. About what happened to you." (Y/n) finished cleaning his wounded and started to use the antiseptic. She mumbled that it would sting, though she doubts with what he's been through, it would feel like nothing. She dabbed the disinfectant onto his wounds, cleaning them. The silence that passed was killing her, and she wondered if she had crossed a line that was not meant to be crossed.

"What did this person tell you?" He asked. (Y/n) heard a hint of malice in his voice, clearly not pleased that people were speaking about him behind his back. (Y/n) looked up at him, trying to figure out what he was thinking if she could just read his facial expression. Sadly his mouth was covered by metal, and his eyes were the only thing visible on his face, and even then he still seemed undeterred. "The person didn't tell me much," she explained. "Only that you had a falling out with your brother."

(Y/n) could see Genji's muscles tense at the sentence. She started to regret even saying anything. "A falling out?" He said rather too calmly. Genji stared straight into (Y/n)'s eyes, his once blank eyes turning cruel. "You think I have this body because of a falling out?" (Y/n) stopped what she had been doing, and quickly tried to act upon her mistake. "I-I didn't mean... I wasn't trying to offend you, Genji."

Silence. (Y/n) hated it.

"Fix me."

(Y/n)'s heart shattered a little bit. She knew he meant for her to heal him physically, but she wondered just how much she would need to do to reverse what his brother did to his brain. To be so angry all the time... (Y/n) knew it was tiring.

And she wanted to fix him.

"Come with me."

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