She blushed. Wait, Valentina never blushes at all. "Well...I kind of felt the same with the sparks on my skin. I felt like I was meant to be with him. Pero es una locura."

"I don't think it's crazy. I think there something there that we don't know about. And I think Xavier and the boy know something that we don't."

" was Vax when I left out of nowhere?"

"Heartbroken of course. He really liked and was planning on asking you on a date. Shame, that you left he really was into you."

"Yeah, I really like him a lot." I smiled sadly.

Valentina sighed. "True, but I'm sure your handsome friend will distract you."

'What handsome frind?"

"Lee Min Ho."

"OMU! Yes!! Let's watch Heirs."

"Esta bien. Okay." We put on a k-drama, Heirs, sitting and hugging SHISHIMATO. And Ginger is just looking SHISHIMATO like what kind of creature is this. We cried, laughed, get mad at the characters, and sang along a song called Moment by Changmin.

"LOVE IS THE MOOOMEEEENNNT!!!" Valentina and I sang together.

"Hey, Addy. Don't you feel like we're being watched right now?" Valentina asked.

"Now I think about it, I do have weird feeling right now."

Valentina got up and went to the window and she gasped. "What's wrong?"

"I think I know who's been watching us. Ven."

I got up and stood next to her. I gasped. There I saw two huge wolves looking up at us and they didn't look like ordinary wolves. One wolf had brown with blondish color fur with hazel eyes. And the other wolf had a pitch black fur and emerald green eyes. Those emerald green eyes reminded me of Xavier, the handsome Xavier that I now have a crush on. Ah, I'm blushing!

I saw the pitch black wolf staring at me with those emerald eyes. The wolf eyes seem so caring, sincere, and mysterious. My cat started hissing at them.

"El cafe lobo (brown wolf) won't stop staring at me and the black one won't stop staring at you either." Valentina's voice sounding fascinated. "You know the brown wolf's eyes looks like the guy who hugged me."

"The black wolf's eyes look exactly like Xavier too."

"Okay now that's too weird."

The black wolf stared at me and for sure I saw it smiled at me, I smiled back. "I already like my black wolf." I giggled.

"You already considered it as yours, chica?"

"Well yeah, look at it, it's beautiful. Don't you feel the same with the brown wolf?"

"Ehh, sort of, but not that much." We heard brown one whimpered.

"Look what you did Valentina, you hurt his feelings."

"Ugh, fine. Perdon café lobo, you do look adorable in some ways. I do like your hazel eyes, if that counts." Then the brown wolf wagged his tail in happiness.

"I think he likes you Valentina." I giggled.

"Oh stop it. I'll call him Café meaning brown in Spanish. What are you going to call yours?"

"Hmm, probably Midnight because of his pitch black fur."

"Midnight. Sounds alright, I guess." Then we heard a howl in the air from the forest. Yes, we lived near a forest. I was kind of against it living near a forest, who knows what's going to happen here. Like for example, a psychopath like Michael Myers or Jason will try to kill us. But noooo, they still bought the house.

An Alpha's LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ