FHS-Twenty One

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     I knocked on Aly's door and she pulled me in with a kiss on the lip. I missed her and kissing her back got me so confused. Faina came back and we somehow sorted it out. She just cannot tell me it was Carl she slept with. Can I trust her again and should I feel better that she chose to be with me in the end?

   Do I still love her? Yes I do. I always wanted to wife her.

But now Aly is kissing me in her room. I don't even realize when she clung her legs around me. I wanted to be inside her to calm myself down. She was in a rush to take off my jean and I focused on kissing her up till she soaks.

She had no underwear on the shirt she wore and I gently rubbed her nub. She was soaked just as I imagined her to be. I pushed a finger in her and she moaned out. Her back was right next to the wall and I supported her by wrapping her pretty legs around me. She was kissing me gingerly and my finger throbbed in her.

"Right there Sam." she moaned. I rubbed and finger fucked her gingerly too. She bellowed in pleasure and her heat was pulsating on me. "Oh fuck yeah." She grabbed onto my hardness and stuck it in her pulsating heat.

   "Holy..." I was being sucked, grabbed and slurped on to in her. All I had to do was stroke and stroke in her till she loses herself in my arms again. Her legs were shaking and I could see she was trying to be calm in my arms to receive this holy penetration gently.

My mind went back to Faina as I showered Aly with pleasure. I was entangled in her net of lies and I didn't know how to stop those feelings I have for her. Honestly, I'm scared she'll ran back to Carl again. What was I going to do with Aly now?

Let's focus on the banging for now and get our heads together after that.

   It took quite a while for me to release and she was looking at me strangely afterwards. She put my head on her shoulder while we were still in the standing position and patted my back gently. We both pulsated together and trying to calm our nerves. She always snatches the soul out of me. She throbbed on me and I was sighing heavily on her.

"Is everything okay?" she asked and looked at me in the eye. "Something feels off about you." I sighed again and she tightened her wrapped legs around me. "It's been eight days now since I last saw you. Is everything okay?"

   "I've just been busy."

"You could've called." I tried standing her up and she put my hand away. "Did I do something wrong? Can we talk about it?"

   "No... Aly, I've just been a little occupied. Lot of things have been going on in my mind."

"Like what?" I was still in her when I looked down. Her little movements on me was getting me hard again. "Come on Ray. We can solve whatever it is together. You don't have to try to hide it. I'm tougher than you think."

I'm not ready.

   "It's nothing Aly." she took my hands off her and stepped down herself. She headed to her bedroom and I called after her. "Aly."

"Taking a shower." she was pissed off. I pulled my boxer shorts on and followed her to the bedroom. She turned to me and faked that smile. "Are you spending the night?" 

   "I've to get back home." she sighed softly. "It's kinda urgent."

"Can't you spend a night with me? I miss you and I really want to be with you tonight. Can't you do that?" I shook my head and she kicked her bed. "Why?" she asked sternly.

   "It's urgent."

"Sam! Cut it out please. It's a weekend," she walked closer to me. "Can't we have fun like we used to? I just want you by my side tonight."

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