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        Human. Woman. These creatures are the most complicated ones of all. They can suck your bloood and soul if they want to. The problem with us men is that we trust them too much.

Men are gods. I am a god.

I believe in myself more than anyone. There was one person who used to believe in me too. Talking about her aches now. That's the level of hurt I've been. She could've called me all sort of names and I would've been cool with that but telling me I never cared about her kills me inside. Let's end it just like she said. I hate people who do not appreciate your effort.

Why the hell do I still want to go back to her and talk to her? If she didn't sleep around with skinny James, we would've still been together but she only blames me.

    I've been sitting at my regular club looking at these girls whine and strip and I'm not even hard. I'm just fucked up. A familiar perfume and cold hand wrapped around my arm and I was looking at the arm instead of the person sitting next to me. "Get it off." I said calmly.

The martini on the rocks was working me up too.

"Babe, I missed you." It's the bitch. She was to blame too. "It's getting late here, can you take me home?" I looked at Dixie's bitchy face and her fucked up smile and it was getting me angry. "Your sister isn't here to report you to your girlfriend. She stopped coming here ever since I saw her with that man."


"Aly's man. He was really good looking. It's a good thing Mark broke up with her."

   "Take your hands off and let's talk." She took her hand off my shoulder and rather held my manhood in her palm. "Stop doing that and let's talk."

"See you getting all concerned because I mentioned your sister. He didn't look like a bad guy so don't worry about it. It's Aly and you and I know she can really take care of herself."

   "When was the last time you saw her?"

"Weeks ago. I didn't even recognize her. She looked really different." That won't be Aly. She never changes.

   "Where did you see her?"

"Bibi's tattoo shop. She was getting another tattoo." she laughed and I took her hand off angrily. "I overheard her conversation with her friend and she said she was tattooing this guy's name on her hand. She must be really in love."

That wasn't Aly. She won't do such a corny thing in the name of love. She loves tattoos but she will not put a guy's name on her precious body. Her body was some sort of diamond to her. When she hit the puberty stage I used to be super protective of her.

She grew into a beautiful lady and she attracted guys like magnets. I drolled over her arse and V tattoo she got. If she was my girlfriend, I would really make use of her every single day. I should see who this man was to get my sister to tattoo his name on her body. Dixie's bitchy self appeared once more. She took this opportunity to get her lips on mine and I pulled away from her. I stood up from the chair and dragged her hand with me outside.


"What do you want?"

   "I want you Carl. I want you so badly."

"You've not had enough of me? I gave you the best vacation you needed with me when you gladly broke off my relationship with Holly. What else do you want?"

   "I can't get enough of you baby. I swear I'll do anything you want." I know she can but I do not want her. She wasn't Holly. She just acts like a pro porn star when she gets me hard.

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