Holy Shit

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This is the last chapter for Faina Holly and I want to thank everyone reading. Thanks for your votes, and your time too. I wish this story can go on and on. Make sure to add to your reading list if you've not done it yet and this is the last chapter so Vote.
Have fun reading.

This is me, in my pregnant self admiring how things are between Sam Ray and I. I was told my baby would be a boy. That would be awesome.

It's been exactly six months Faina left this country. She wanted to persue her career and get away from us all but my brother chased after her. He never gets tired of chasing her.

Their cat and dogs relationship was a stable one now. It turns out, he took another contract to work in Lini's other branch at where Faina was. I told him that was a stupid thing to do but you can't talk someone out of love. Carl sold his house just so he could settle down with Faina when he hadn't even talked to her. He took a bold-stupid step before he left us here too.

Sam helped him in getting into contact with Faina and a month after he left, we heard they worked things out between them. I mean who can resist my brother's charms? He is to die for. We're all cool and happy with our new lives now.

I partially live with Sam in his house. It hasn't been easy carrying this load in my tummy. I get sick and worn out most often but he is always there to make me feel okay. I would've done this child and myself so much wrong if I had gotten rid of it.

We've a surprise planned for Carl and Faina and I can't wait for it. It's going to be a bomb! I video called my brother on my laptop and I saw Faina lying half naked on the bed close to him.

She looked tired and I knew what they've been up to. "Bad timing?" I teased and Carl covered Faina's face with the bedclothes.

"Why do you always call at the wrong time?" he asked and I laughed. Faina took the bedclothes off her face and she finger combed her hair.

"Hey Aly, how's my babe doing?" she asked. Sam heard her voice and ran to the laptop.

"I'm here babe. You look... wasted." he teased too and we all laughed out. "You good?" That was some kind of term they use and it gets on my nerve a little. She smiled coyly and Carl sat in front of her.

"Stop hitting on my fiancé Sam." Carl said.

"I hear you. Should we call back in an hour? You both look suspicious."

"I'm good, let's talk." Faina said.

"He wasn't talking to you." Carl said and she frowned at him. "I'm hungry, go make me some food."

"I'm not your chef. Get your ass up and walk to the kitchen if you're hungry." she eyed at him and Sam shrugged at me.

Every time! Every single time! They're always arguing even when we call but trust me, they're good. They've nothing to worry about. Faina complains he annoys her all day and he complains she annoys him all day too. I tell them to break up if they both annoy each other and they turn their anger on me.

"Ray, are you hungry? Should I come over and make you some food?" she asked and Carl smacked on her head. We were really sure their laptop fell from the bed because all we saw was the ceiling and all we heard was their yelling.

"Should I hang up?" I asked Sam.

"Wait for it." he said and laughed. The squeaking sound of the bed was heard and Faina's moans followed. Carl's grunts too followed then a lot of screams.


"It's not new to you?" I asked and he smiled.

"It never gets old either." he turned the laptop off and lied in between my legs. Our lips moved close to each other's and I felt my baby move. I groaned a little and he drew back. "Are you okay?" he asked.

Faina Holly-Shit!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz