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     Uh excuse me? Did I just hear correctly behind a closed door and did I just see Carl kissing my Faina? The four years boyfriend was him this whole time and they concealed it up fucking behind me?

     A car was already parked in front of the house when I got home and I rushed out of my car to see who came over only to hear Faina and her 'ex boyfriend' reminiscing in my house.

I thought a cat got her tongue when Carl was with us. She knew what she was hiding from me. They both knew what they were hiding from me. I've been the fool this whole time leaving her alone at home with him.

How long have they been fucking in my house? How long was she planning to lie to me about this? I really cannot believe she had to lie about this. Her emotional breakdown started when he came. Why didn't I think of that?

Carl Becker has been fucking my Faina? For four years? And he still did it with her in my house when I wasn't around?

   "Motherfucker!" I screamed out when I sat in the car. I drove away angrily punching my steering wheel. I loosened my tie and threw it on the passenger's seat. "You motherfucker! I swear to God I'm not going to let this slide!" I looked at my hand and they were shaking uncontrollably.

I tried taking in air to calm my nerves and I was still shaking. This betrayal stings. I knew she thought about her ex boyfriend once a while, I never thought she still wanted him that bad. I did everything... everything I can think of to relieve that heartache he caused her. I really tried too Faina.

    Sam... please take this pain away. I can't deal with it. she would say.

I shouldn't have walked over to her when I met her for the third time at the airport. The first time I saw her, she looked wretched. She had dark circles around her eyes and her hair was in messy bun. She was with her friend, Lisa, and Lisa was begging her to go home.

"I can't go home. They said he'll be coming. I won't see him if I go home. He won't come and look for me." every word she said had tears in them. People looked at her cry and act crazy and she didn't care. She was willing to wait for whoever she wanted to see so much. I thought she was just crazy too and went ahead to see my mom off.

I went there with my dad the following week to welcome my mom for a successful meeting she had and Faina was still there. She looked more wretched than she already was. She was alone this time. I didn't want to go near her. She looked like someone who will bite your head off if you try persuading her to go home. I wanted to ask her if she bothers to take a bath and eat at all.

    I went there the third time out of curiosity and she was still there. She was dressed up this time and she was really pretty. I didn't know who in the world broke up with this girl. I moved closer to her and I saw her knees shaking. She was trying to look okay for whoever will come out of that door. I was a little moved for her patience.

"Hey, do you want to..."

    "He isn't coming." she said forcing a smile on her pretty face.


    "He dated her instead. I saw their pictures. He really isn't coming back." she continued and I looked over at my side. She was talking to me? "Why do I keep coming here when I know he won't come back?" tears started falling on her face and I've never seen a girl cry and yet be so beautiful.

She was wailing out and I had the urge to hug her and calm her down. It really broke me down to see her cry so much. I took her to my car and she still cried. I relaxed in the seat and waited for her to cry out every little thing that's left in her.

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