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          Hey, I'm back. Did you miss me?

Where have I been? I can't tell you that but I can tell you where I am right now. There's a loud music in here with girls all around and it's bashing here. I'm here waiting for Sam to show up. He didn't sound good on the phone and I want to know what has been going on before I make a move.

Before I left, I went to his Law firm to discuss my business with him. Actually, my CEO is trying to dupe me. He agreed to the proposal I made to the company and agreed I will be working in the other branch for a year. It took weeks for him to agree to my proposal.

   Me being the director of the industrial engineering company, Lini, I thought I will be considered about working in the same company but in a different branch for a year. I wanted to get away from Faina so badly so I agreed upon anything they offered.

My dismissal wasn't part of the agreement Mr CEO. I was on a thin line to loosing my shit when he went over the agreement. My position was being handed to a lady who was as slim as a match stick. I still worked in their other branch when I left the country. Their cock and bull story will make me punch someone in the nose. My salary got a little reduced but I did not complain Mr CEO. I still kept my cool and worked as hard as I would've done in the same branch Mr CEO. I missed my girlfriend who is now being fucked by someone else Mr CEO.

    This bullshit is not going to work on me. I need my job back and he was trying to talk about some bullshit contract. Who the hell gives a fuck about a contract? Give me my job back and pay me the money I deserve Mr CEO.

   The bartender filled my glass with martini on the rocks and I swallowed everything in it down my throat in seconds. He smiled and filled it up for me again.

   "There you are." I heard Sam's voice and turned around. I was devastated but he looked like shit. He tapped on my shoulder and took my glass of martini and gulped it all down at a go. The bartender brought up another glass and filled it up. My hand reached for the filled glass and Sam's hand took over me. I watched him swallow the remaining alcohol in his throat and he tapped on my shoulder again. "Before you ask anything..." he started and sighed. My glass got filled again and Mr Ray gulped it down again. 

    "What the fuck man?"

"I can't keep my shit together. I'm going to lose my mind one of these days and it's going to be real nasty. You know me Carl. I hate doing other girls when I'm in a relationship but this girl is making me want to try. She is fucking me up man." he heaved a sigh. He sat on the chair and put his head on the counter.

    "Faina?" I asked. He took his head up and ran his hand in his hair.

"She's been weird lately. I don't know what to do anymore."

    "How has she been?"

"Weird. I feel like she is hiding something from me. I don't know what she thinks about when I'm talking to her. She is right there with me but I feel she has been distant."

    "Do you want to break up with her?" Please say yes. He took the martini bottle from the bartender and poured himself a glass. He gulped two glasses of alcohol and I watched him fill another glass. I took the glass from him and he sighed.

"I can't do that. Maybe she is the one who wants to break up with me."

Maybe. And I will make sure of that. I smiled at him.

    "You'll be fine." I said to him. "Do you have anything for me?"

"Yeah. Do you have a copy of the contract?"
     "Of course. When do you need it?"

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