(Prinxiety) war and peace

Start from the beginning

“I will return. I swear my life on it.” Roman promised and pressed a kiss to his temple. Virgil closed his eyes, allowing a few tears to slip. And for that moment everything was okay, there was no pain or misery, no sadness or despair. Everything was whole.

When the time came that the pair had to separate Virgil was extremely reluctant. He tightened his grip on Roman for a little while longer before be finally let him go. The pain suddenly slammed into Virgil and he could've sworn he had forgotten how to breathe. The ache in his chest returned with greater force and he had to hold his breath in order to stop himself from hyperventilating. “You are strong Virgil. I will see you soon.” Roman promised and turned on his heel to join the others.

Virgil watched him as he ran and settled himself on a beautiful black stallion. He never took his eyes off of him. Even as he rode off. And soon. Disappeared...


Days passed.

Days turned to weeks.

And weeks turned to months.

Virgil was petrified.

He had become the best leader he could be for Roman, he tended to the sick and wounded, he cared for the children who had no family left, he kept everyone safe and fed.

Of course he had some help.

Logan and Patton were both young men who cared for the children.

Patton loved the children, he always made sure they were happy, fed, and healthy while Logan taught the children what he knew, which in his case was quite a lot. Virgil was happy to have them by his side. If he didn't...


He'd been in pieces, a broken man.

Virgil was in his tent, it was a harsh cold night and the cold wind passed by him. He shut his eyes as his teeth chattered and his body trembled, he remembered when Roman used to hold him tight against his chest. He'd hold his hands and warm them with his warm breath. Oh how he longed to be in his arms once more.

The sound of yelling snapped him from his daze, he jolted up and scrambled out of his tent just as a man riding a horse skidded to a stop. Breathing harshly. Virgil ran to to the man and helped him down. He had recognised him as one of Roman's men who joined him. “Where are the others?” Virgil asked anxiously. The man leaned against him, exhausted, and huffed. “They have been captured and imprisoned. The new ruler has set a date for Roman to be executed at the gallows.” He explained.

Virgil felt his blood run cold, his breath hitched in his throat and he trembled violently. “I will have you healed and fed, I will retrieve Roman and the others myself. While I am gone, please, make sure the people and children are safe.” Virgil begged. “But sir—” Another set of footsteps startled the pair. Virgil turned his head and was met with his good friends Patton and Logan. “Surely you don't plan on going alone?” Logan questioned with a tilt of his head. Patton pouted and crossed his arms.

Virgil laughed as tears fell from his eyes. “You can't be serious.” He blubbered as he messily wiped away his tears. “Of course we are, I mean. We have friends we want to save too. And family...” Patton stated with a glum smile.

Back when the kingdom was first overthrown, he and Logan had to leave their child behind. Thomas who was only ten. And it had pained them so much, having to let go of their child, leaving him alone, and just imagining how afraid he must've been. It was torture.

Logan patted his husbands shoulder sympathetically. Virgil was hesitant, what if something were to go wrong? He'd hate for either of them to get hurt, he cared for them. He truly did.

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