Chapter 12 - Simon

Start from the beginning

"Jeez, get a room," a sharp voice said above us.

We broke apart to see Anne towering over us.

"Hi," I said sheepishly. This was so unlike me that I didn't know what to say.

"You can go in if you want to," Anne told Sheila, her eyebrows raised.

I got up to go in with Sheila, but Anne pulled me back. I motioned for Sheila to go on without me and turned around to see Anne shaking her head at me.

"You've got it bad," she commented dryly. "And to think that last time we talked, you said you weren't even dating her. Did you mention her to your parents yet?" She laughed at my shocked expression. "Demona is not the only one who knows you, Simon. You're a softie, in the best possible way. You look happy with Sheila. Are you?"

I shrugged. It was difficult to use the word happy when my best friend and bondmate was in a coma in the next room. Fact was that when I was with Sheila, I could forget about Demona for a moment.

"She's..." How could I describe Sheila? "Exciting. Different. Feisty."

"Did you tell her that?" Anne asked, referring to our last talk, when Anne had told me I needed to tell Sheila how I felt about her.

"As a matter of fact, I did."

"What did she say?"

I grimaced. "She ran away and threw up." Of course, that led to me explaining to Anne about Sheila's bad reaction to the full moon. When I was done, Anne had no time to react because Sheila showed up, asking me if I wanted to say goodbye to Dem before she gave me a ride to school.

Demona looked the same she always did: completely still, lifeless, like a red-haired doll. It seemed to me like she got smaller and paler as time went on. I didn't have long to talk to Demona, because Sheila called me – we needed to go if we wanted to make curfew.

In the car, we talked about our day. At one point, I decided to tell her that I'd mentioned her to my mother. She didn't respond in a way I could have foreseen.

"Why would you tell her about me?" Sheila asked, shooting a weird glance at me from the side as she wove through the small forest roads.

"Erm.. because we're dating?"

Immediately, she hit the breaks and stopped in the middle of the road. There was no one to be seen around us, so we weren't in the way, but it was still a weird reaction.

"Are we?" She turned off the engine and faced me in the dim light. "Are we dating?"

I blinked, unsure what the right answer was. "We're kissing, talking, texting, spending time together... we even slept together... Isn't that dating?"

"I don't know." She pursed her lips as she stared at me, trying to find our what I was thinking, I guess. Or maybe just gathering her own thoughts. "Is it? We haven't been on an actual date yet, have we?"

I shrugged. "Maybe not, but we don't need dinner in a restaurant be a... thing, right?"

"I'm not sure."

It was the weirdest conversation I'd ever had about this subject. With both Demona and Amy, it had always been quite clear that we were exclusive, that we meant something to each other.

"Do you want us to be dating?" I asked Sheila, getting down to the real question.

Again, she took a moment to think about it. "I like you," she said at last. "So yeah, I guess I do want to date you. I certainly don't want you to get with any other girl. Does that mean that I'm... I mean... Are you my boyfriend?" She was blushing – not a look that I got to see often on Sheila.

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