"What happened to your hand?" Harry grabbed my hand examining it. "Oh yea Niall tried to eat me. Are you sure he isn't some sort of zombie?"

"What did you do?" I told him what I had done and he burst out laughing.

"Shut up I'm never doing that again." I said taking a sip of my coke. Honestly yes I wasn't doing that ever again. The waitress came and gave us our cheeseburgers. I bit into it and it was like heaven on earth.

"You excited for tonight?" I nodded not being able to speak because I had food stuffed in my mouth.

"After this tour we have that interview were all doing together and I was wondering if you know. . . "

"We keep hiding for a month?" He nodded.

"Yea that sounds alright I wouldn't want them to start rumours I'd rather us say it." I finished my hamburger and started eating the French fries after I saw a couple of girls look over and giggle.

"Uh Harry you might want to cover that big disco head of yours fans are coming." He nodded and thank god he had a bigger then usual hoodie on so you couldn't really see the curls. That was hard to hide.

"Ahhhh your Claire Woods I can't believe it!" People looked over but then went back to their usual business.

"Yea last time I checked I was." I smiled at them.

"I'm Rachel this is Emily, Beth, and Lauren." She pointed to her friends. Beth (?) looked over to where Harry was sitting. He had his head turned facing the window but his head was down.

"Oooooo are you on date?" Beth raised her eyebrows up an down making me laugh.

"Stop Beth." Emily (?) punched her.

"No it's ok yea you could call it that." I smiled at them.

"Oh my god were soooo sorry we'll leave now." Lauren said. They stared walking away.

"No no it's ok I can take a picture and an autograph." They smiled and I took pictures and signed autographs. They waved goodbye and walked out.

"Wow I'm thinking your fans are more understanding then ours." Harry said. I laughed remembering the fans we've meet when we went to that pizza place that girl would not let it go.

"Nah just some fans are like that most of them are sweethearts." We finished our meal and were about to order some pie but I saw paparazzi coming closer. They must have heard I was here. Harry looked to where I was looking.

"Cover yourself." I raised my eye brows at him.

"Uh no Styles you hide give me the keys." He handed me the keys and covered his whole face. We payed and walked out I had to lead Harry thru the crowd because he couldn't see.

"Claire! Claire who's that?"

"Hey what's your name!"

"Stop hiding take that off!"

"Is this another to your long list of boyfriends"

"We don't believe that you've had only one!"

I felt Harry stiffen but I dragged him along leading him to the passanger door he got in and I tried to walk over to the drivers side until I felt someone put a camera in my face.

"Claire how are you?" I recognized that to be some guy from TMZ. Ahh I love TMZ they were always nice well to me they were. They had such a good sense of humor unlike other paparazzi that were just plain rude.

"Hi I'm great how are you?" I smiled.

"Need a little help." He asked I nodded and he opens the door for me so I could get in.

"Guys let her thru we need to move." I smiled at him I pulled the window down. "Thank you." I rolled the window back up and drove out of there.

"They were so rude!" Harry yelled. He ran his hands thru his hair. "I just wanted to punch the crap out that guy!"

"Stop Harry they just want a reaction you have to learn how to control yourself." I reached for his hand stroked it lightly.


I was furious I just wanted to get out this car and run straight for that guy. I hated this part of being in the spotlight. I felt Claire's hand lightly stroke my hand and I instantly calmed down. She just had that sort of affect on me.

We drove in silent. I didn't say much because I was still trying to not think of those guys. I wanted to protect Claire from anything and anyone. No one was going to touch her. How are you going to do that with you going on tour later on?

I pushed that thought aside until after this tour was over. We would have to figure this out together. I wasn't letting her go. We pulled in and snuck inside the arena. The guys were all getting ready for there performance.

"I'll see when your done." Claire kissed my cheek and walked to her dressing room. I walked to ours and found myself greeted by clothes on the floor and I saw a bra? I looked over the couch and saw Liam with someone who wasn't Sophia his girlfriend.

"Liam! Man stop what the hell?" I covered my eyes.

"Boobear your here!" Louis walked in with Niall, Zayn and Claire. They stopped when they saw what was before them. I uncovered my eyes and saw Danielle covering herself with her clothes and Liam too. Claire's face turned into pure anger.

"What the hell! Your suppose to be in my dressing room helping me and what do I find? you here sleeping with my friend who by the way is taken on the FIRST day! You know what your fired!" She yelled.

"No it's not her fault it's mine I'm sorry just please don't fire her." Liam begged.

"Liam what the hell were you thinking?" Zayn asked pissed off as well. "You have a girlfriend you just cheated on Sophia! Just fire her." He looked at Claire and she nodded.

"I'm sure they didn't mean too." Niall said trying to calm them both down. "But Liam what about Sophia?"

"I'm sorry it was an accident." Danielle said looking down. "And I didn't know you had a girlfriend you asshole!" She glared at Liam

"Oh so it was an accident?" Louis asked and she nodded. "So what the clothes on both of you disappeared and Liam accidentally fell on top and his dick just so happens to slip inside you?" Danielle had tears falling. I actually felt bad for her but Liam just screwed up.

"Claire don't fire her just c'mon let's go get some air." I led her out and pulled her into her dressing room. "Calm down babe." I hugged her trying to keep her calm.

"Harry?" She asked and looked up.


"What are we going to do after this tours over?" Well then she changed the conversation.

"I was actually thinking that awhile ago but I mean we can skype right and while I'm on tour we have breaks so I can visit you." I kissed her temple. She didn't say anything and I just held her in my arms.

That moment I knew things were going to be tough and with us releasing an album and going on tour this same year. I don't know what Claire has planned but I'm sure her schedules just as busy. I just decided to enjoy these small moment we have now.

That Moment (Harry styles/Selena Gomez fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now