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I can't believe she did that! How dare she? Is she stupid!?! I was beyond pissed while going up to my fathers office.


I walked out and was greeted by my fathers wonderful girlfriend, note the sarcasm I hated her she was a major bitch. She looked up from her magazine and looked at me raising her eyebrows.

"Your father is busy I'm sure he wouldn't want to see you so don't waste your time." I ignored her and walked up to his secretary telling her I was going in.

"Didn't you just hear me he doesn't want to see you!" She got in front of me blocking my way. I let out a sigh and moved to the left but she blocked me so I moved the other way and the bitch again blocked my way.

"Look please get out my way I'm not in the mood." I said looking up at her.

"I told you be doesn't want to see you so just leave or I'll get security." She smirked but I just busted out laughing.

"Did you hear what this bitch said?" I looked at my fathers secretary. "Who has the most authority?" I asked her. We both looked at her.

"Yo. . . You do mam." She said while holding her head down.

"Damn right I do now move out my way before I call security on YOU so you can be removed from this building which by the way you don't own and neither will your daughter. If I were you I'd read MY grandfathers will one more time." I told her while pushing her aside and going in my fathers office.

"Victoria what is it?" My father said looking up from whatever was in front his desk. I dug in my purse and pulled out a stack of magazines throwing them on his desk. He looked up at with his eyebrows raised.

"Just look at them." I sat down in one of the chairs in front of his desk. I looked up to see his eyes scanning the covers and he crumpled every one of them.

"Damn it! What the hell is wrong with your sister?" He stood up quickly.

"What do we do now?" He walked over to the windows of his office and looked out.

"I've been thinking about this and I think we should do nothing."

"What! What do you mean!"

"The boys bound to make a mistake. Fame changes people Victoria and it's a matter of time before he does too." He turned around and smirked at me. "I love my princess so if she's happy with him let's let her be happy but I'm telling you he's bound to make a mistake."

"If he's bound to make a mistake won't she just end up getting hurt?" I asked confused.

"Exactly she'll end up getting hurt resulting in her never wanting to see him again." He smirked at me. "She's gonna do them same to him like she did with Edward. What happened to him anyway?" I shrugged my shoulders not giving a damn.

"He was a good lad. Good music, artistic, song writer, and very very talented. He was a genius." I was actually suprised by my fathers words. He never speaks well of just anybody.

"So what I just lay back and let her get hurt?"

"Victoria this is life we can't protect your sister from everything."

"So what your going to let your "princess" get hurt?"

"If we do something she's bound to find out and she will hate us don't worry she herself will push him aside." He walked back to his desk. "When is her release party?"

"Tomorrow are you going to her release party?" I asked while throwing away all the magazines.

"Yes I'll be there and so will you." He pointed at me. "Your going to apologize." I rolled my eyes.

"Now go I have work to do." I got up and walked out.

"You always have work to do." I muttered while going in the elevator.

~ ALEX's POV ~

"Why the hell are crying?" I felt pain flow try my stomach.

"Does it hurt?" Another kick to the back.

"Fucking bitch." A kick to the face.

"That's enough let's go let's leave trash where it belongs." Another kick to head and they walked away.

I tried getting up but all I felt was pain. I stayed down for a few hours until I finally managed to get up and look at myself in the mirror.

My eyes widened. Dry blood was on my nose and bloods was still coming out below my ear. Blood was coming out the back of my head where they slammed my head on the wall.

The whole time I was cleaning up tears didnt fall why? Because I guess I was already usted to this, everyday was the same thing. My head was hurting and I walked with a limp. But yet no one cared not even the teachers. You would expect them to ask but no here they ignore me too. Nobody cares about me that's all their is too it. I'm just a bother to everybody even my mom.

That night at home I couldn't take it so I did the thing I could do I wrote a letter to Claire telling her my life story because I don't think I can take this any longer. I can only take so much in my horrible life. When I was done I put that letter in an envelope with some of my song lyrics I'm sure she'll know what to do with them.

I'm glad my mom wasn't here. I'm sure she'll be better off without me I know she loves me but I can't bring her down anymore. I walked to the medicine cabinet and pulled out random pills. While I was walking back to my room I passed a picture of me and my parents smiling. I hated my dad he hurt me and did things a dad should never do to his daughter.

I walked to my room and pilled up all the pills on my hands.

"I'm sorry." A fear fell down.

I tilted my head back and dumped them in and swallowed.

I layed down looking up at the ceiling.

My eyes slowly closed.

"You can never hurt me again."

I was then swallowed by darkness.

That Moment (Harry styles/Selena Gomez fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat