- Chapter 57 -

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The past three days have been literally hell. The media was all over my story and they were even making up new ones. The paps have been following us everywhere most just throwing rude comments. Why do people hate me? What have I done for people to hate me so much? I haven't even been able to be on Twitter because of all the comments i've been getting by Claire's fans. I erased the app but that still wasn't enough because whenever I went out I would hear the comments being thrown at me. The lads have been trying to cheer me up and thats why i've agreed to go drinking with them today to get my mind off things. I know Emily was going to be there but i'm sure nothing was going to happen. I was trying to be careful this time because I didn't want more rumours to start.

¨Mate here have another. The media just prints rubbish anyway. Lets get wasted!¨ Nick said while handing me a bottle of Vodka. I took a swig at it and passed it to Niall.

I looked over at Nick and saw him call over at Emily who had just arrived with several blondes. They looked like their dresses were two sizes too small. I went back to talking to Niall hoping me and Emily wouldn't have to speak the whole night.

¨Lads i'll be leaving I have to pick up Alex from the airport she's spending a couple of days with us so she can see Claire when she comes back.¨ Niall took a last gulp and walked out.

Great now i'm alone with nobody to talk too, not that I mind really I still had like half of the Vodka bottle so I guess it could keep me company.

¨Styles why so sad? Want me to make you happy?" I turned around and found a very much drunk Emily with a beer in her hand.

"Go away you're drunk and please just leave me alone." I turned back around hoping she would get the message and just leave me alone. I honestly didn't need more problems.

"Ouch! Why so cold? You never usted to be like this. I remember you calling me when you needed me to tend to your needs." She tried to wrap her arms around me but I pulled them off while looking around.

"Look Emily that was a mistake and Im sorry but just please go away. Dont you have a boyfriend?"

"Yea but he never has to know." I pulled her away and let out a sigh. This was going to be a long night.

- - - -

I. Am. Drunk. Not wasted but drunk and not that I mind I just really miss Claire ALOT! She comes back in a few days and I swear I can't wait. Right now I just want to go home and sleep.

"Hello. Paul can you bring a car over?" I said while taking another shot. "Ok thanks."

Paul was going to be here in a few with a car but he told me that he had to drive me because I was drunk. I can walk straight. Kinda but I know I can still drive.

I walked out and saw Paul waiting with a van. I hopped in the passanger side and told him to go but were stopped by Nick holding a VERY drunk Emily who was just laughing.

"Harry take her home will you. Hey Paul." I was about to say no but without even waiting for me to answer he just opened the door and helped her in.

"Thanks mate." And with that Nick left. Paul's phone was ringing and he picked it up.

"What! . . . No! . . . Your kidding! . . . Shit! I'll be over." He punched the steering wheel and looked at me.

"Harry are you conscious enough to drive?" I nodded. "Look I have to go your gonna have to drive but please be careful." He got out and ran back inside.

I moved to the drivers side and started the car and driving but then I remembered I had to take Emily home. Great! Just great! I looked around hoping there were no paps around. Emily got on the passanger side smirking at me.

That Moment (Harry styles/Selena Gomez fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora