- Chapter 70 -

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Picture of Megan


Seems like Claire Woods performance at Times Square has caused a lot of jaws to drop. Including One Directions, Harry Styles. When asked to styles what he thought of Claire's performance he just simply said "I can't wait"

During Claire's X factor performance sources say Styles stormed out of the place because of the provocative way she was dancing with her dancer Ian Eastwood. But seriously Harry she's not yours anymore. What do you all think? Does Harry still have a right to get jealous or not? Vote below.


A lot of speculations have been made over Claire Woods and her dancer Ian Eastwood. They are always seen out together having lunch or simply hanging out. They seem happy together so it looks like Claire moved on. Harry Styles doesn't seem to be happy but I mean c'mon you dated her best friend Taylor Swift.

I laughed as I saw the tabloids. These were just some of the titles I saw today. I stared at the picture they took and I gotta say me and Ian don't look that bad.

"What are you smiling at?" I looked up and saw Ian with Megan.

"Just the tabloids and were on the cover but if you want I can deny it."

"I really don't mind." Ian said as he looked at the covers. "Damn we look good they must be wondering how you got me."

"Please Ian look at yourself. They should be saying how you managed to even go out with my bestie Claire." Megan said while taking a seat beside me.

"Well I'm off wish me luck Uncle Simons going to be there and that means 1D is too." I grabbed my purse.

"We'll go with you." Megan said while putting her converse on.

"1D? I bet they do only have 1 D and I bet it's that Liam dude. He seems like the manliest of all of them." Ian said while biting his lower lip to stop him from laughing.

"Ha ha now hurry up Xavier and Zane are waiting for us."

- - - -

When we arrived to the studio my brothers were already inside with Uncle Simon and the boys. Ian walked in with his arm around my waist and Megan just followed us. I noticed Danielle wasn't here and I'm pretty sure why.

"Batoon what's up?" Xavier said getting up from the couch.

"Batooniii!!" Zane said while going to hug her.

"Hey guys let's go out to talk." She while leading my brothers out. When she was about to leave she turned around winked at me.

Once they left I turned to the boys. "Hey guys." I said smiling at them. They all looked up confused and just pointed at themselves. "Yes you guys hey it's been like what? 5 months let's catch up." I went to sit between Niall and Zayn.

Niall cleared his throat. "Uh cuddle buddy?" He said uncertainty.

"Of course you, me, and Zayn are still cuddle buddies. Oh I heard your new album a few days ago and it was good." I gave them a thumbs up.

"Babe let's go Vanessa wants you." Ian reached for my hand and I intertwined them.

"Well bye guys let's go out for lunch after this." They just nodded.


Babe. That words keeps getting engraved into my mind and he just keeps popping up. I hate him. I know I don't know him but it's just this feeling I get. I need to know what type of person he is and with the help of the internet I'm sure I can get at least a few answers.

I-A-N E-A-S-T-W-O-O-D I typed his name into google and found myself with youtube videos, twitter account, Instagram, tumblr, and various pictures. I checked his Twitter first and just found out that his parents own a clothing brand called Young Lions. Not much so I decided to check his youtube videos.

"Whatcha doing Harry?" Louis said taking a seat beside me and looking into my phone. I clicked on a video that read Little Things.

(That video does actually exists just look it up if you want. I tried finding it but couldn't)

"Whoa is that that Ian guy? He's amazing! He has some smooth moves." Louis said while looking at his dance moves. I had to admit yea he was good.

"But this is our song. When did this upload?" I looked into the back ground of the video and noticed something that said Happy Birthday.

"Uh Oct 9." Louis eyes widened. "isn't that Claire's birthday?"

Ok that's it I need answers. I need clear answers and I need them now. I can't just sit here and wait for her to speak to me. I got up and headed out to the hallway that lead to her dressing room.

"Uh hello your dating this." I stopped from going around the corner and took a peek. I expected to see Claire and Ian but found him with Megan? I think that's her name.

"And yet I don't know why." Megan said giggling.

He had his arms around her waist. That bastard!

"Really? Really?" I said looking at both of them. "Your just going to cheat on her." Ian smirked at me.

"Hey you can't be one to talk. Who cheated on her multiple times? Oh and were not dating. I'm dating Megan and if you don't believe me ask Claire yourself." He has right I was not one to talk but wait what?!

"I'm going to check on Claire." Megan said while kissing Ian's cheek.

"Ok tell me what's going on?" I said once she was gone and it was only us.

He let out a sigh and looked at me. "Harry there is nothing going on between me and Claire. We just did it to mess with you and of course my laid back girlfriend was ok with it since she knows Claire's like my sister."

"Why would you do that? But wait if your dating Megan why did you dedicate a video to Claire? And why did you use our song little things? Do you not listen to what the songs means?" I stated.

"Oh that birthday video? Welll I kind of did have a crush on Claire but that's all in the past. By the way your song? I believe that's Ed song. Do you seriously think One Direction is capable of writing such an amazing song? you want to know what she did those months?" He smirked at me.

"Yes I would very much like to know." I felt a little offended by his comment but I put that aside.

"Well she cried during the first month. Later on she took up boxing and dance to distract her from you. She managed to forget you and now she doesn't even think about you. I see the way you look at her. You still love her don't you?" I just nodded. "Well guess what? You and her are history. Just be happy with being friends because that's all your ever going to be." He turned to walk away but then looked over his shoulder. "Oh did I mention she took over her fathers company."

I looked up quickly. "Your lieing. She said she was never going to take over it." She did Claire said she didn't want it to determine her future.

"Well things change and if you don't believe me go visit there office here in London tomorrow. Ask for the CEO." He turned to leave while I just stood there like an absolute idiot.

"Harry Edward Styles." I turned around and found myself with Victoria. Great. "I see Ian let you know the information I wanted to give you but anyways stay away from my sister. Orders from my father of course. He doesn't want you near her but if your willing to be her friend were ok with it." She said sweetly. It sounded weird coming out of her.

"Did she really take over?" I said quietly.

"Damn right she's the new CEO of SONY and if you still don't believe it go see her tomorrow."

My mind couldn't wrap around the idea of her being the new CEO. She had told me she didn't want the job or responsibility. That moment I realized if I wanted to find out the truth I had to go and maybe just maybe get her back.

I hope.

Whaaaaa??? So yea I kinda made it look like her and Ian but nope

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