- Chapter 78 -

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Sooo about me not coming on this date. . . .

Well I was technically kidnapped into a car and then drove here to where Kendall is at. So now I see her in front of me with a shy smile. Like seriously I'll never fucking love you or even like you. Your like a wooden board.

"Soo what do you like to do?" She said casually. I noticed that everyone's eyes were on us.

"Well sexual wise Claire. She's amazing and those tit-" Her eyes widened and I couldn't help laughing.

I wasn't lieing tho.

She cleared her throat. "I mean like otherwise then that."

"Oh well I like music but seriously Ken let's get this over with. I. Don't. Like. You. And never will I ever like you. I mean look at you, your like a board. The only reason I'm here is because I was dragged here or else my ass would in bed thinking of ways to get Claire back." I didn't mean to sound harsh or like a dick but it's better to be honest.

She looked at me and relief washed over her face. Huh?

"Thank god."

"What?" I said confused.

"Harry I don't like you either. My mother set me up because well were in the same situation. Kinda. My boyfriends not very liked by my mother." She said genually sad.

"Wait so your being forced to this." I said loudly. She shushed me.

"Yes but look I know Claire still loves you." My eyes widened and I suddenly felt the need to talk to her.

"How?!" I urged her.

"She's my friend and I've known her for years. The day you two went on your first date I was there and thru out your relationship I was there. She would text and call me always talking about you and how much she loved and adored you."

I never thought of it that way and it slipped my mind that they were friends. Wouldn't she give me an advantage? But wait she said Claire loved me and adored me which I'm pretty sure she doesn't anymore after what happened.

"You said it yourself Loved and Adored." I let out a sigh.

"Harry stop looking so pathetic and be a man. Do you want Claire back or not?" I set my elbows on the table and thought about it.

"But she's engaged." Sadly it was reality.

"Don't worry I'm pretty sure theres another reason to that engagement. Look my mom knows her father and he doesn't ask for anything unless he gets something in return. I'm going in and find out more but you have to do something for me."

"Sure I guess as long as it's not out of reach." Hmm her plan sounds better then mine.

"you have to go along with this whole dating shit." She saw my expression and continued. "When we go on "dates" you pick me up and were seen together but really it's going to be me and my boyfriend. Just please be my cover up and I'll get the information you want."

"I'm not sure. What happens if they ask about you in interviews and what if we end up getting caught?" A waitress passed by and my gaze followed to who was here.

"Harry?" My eyes stayed where Claire and Ed were sitting. She was at least 5 tables away but yet I felt like she was a million miles away.

"Look just make sure you inform them no questions about me or your personal life. They will not ask questions or we'll sue and we won't get caught. If they break up it won't be your fault because the media will be convinced that were talking or at least together." She followed my gaze. "Do you like seeing them together?"

No, I hated seeing her with him even if it is my best mate. I like seeing her happy but I just can't give up on her. I know I might not be the best guy for her but I just can't stand seeing her with him.

"Ok I'm in." She smiled and got up. I saw her walk over to where Claire was at and she pointed over here. I waved back and she managed to bring them over.

"Harry it's been awhile." Ed said taking a seat beside me. Claire sat beside Ed and looked over at me and smiled.

"Odd how we both came to the same place for a date right Claire?" Kendall said while leaning into my shoulder.

"Kendall your my best friend this can work! It's like a double date!" She said happily.

"It's kinda like making her jealous just play along." She whispered in my ear. Is her plan working? Is this how girls react?

I cleared my throat. "Babe I'm pretty sure we'll have time for that later."

I looked over and saw Nothing. I didn't get one single face expression.

"American Music Awards you going?" Ed asked.

"Yea isn't that when you both make your first couple appearance?" It hurt but I had to suck it in.

"Yea and were performing." Claire said smiling at me and Kendall.

Ok. Let's hit pause. Is this how girls react Do they try to hide all their emotions inside? I'm confused!

"Your plan isn't working." I hissed at Kendall.

"Were making our debut as a couple too right babe?" Kendall said while resting her head on my shoulder. Claire's faced stayed unfazed and without one single reaction.

What the hell!

"Wait we are?" I said suddenly. It can't be that soon right?

"Kendall you can be one of my bridesmaid! Since Harry's going to be Eds best man." Claire smiled sweetly at me.

"I never said I was going to be-" Kendall shoved her elbow in my rib.

"Of course. We should go out a week after the AMA awards. There this weekend right?" We all nodded.

"Great! I'll be happy to have some girl time." Ed smiled at Claire and kissed her forehead.

"Well we should get going." Claire got up and Ed followed. I noticed that we didn't order anything but drinks.

"See I can get her to talk when we go shopping."

"Your plan isn't working! She didn't even react to anything I said or anything you did." I pointed an accusing finger to her.

She rolled her eyes at me. "Give it time and btw at the AMA awards I'm not going."

I just nodded and we headed out to my car. When we drove to get out we were mobbed by paps and blinded by flashing lights.

I can just see the headlines in a few days.

Sooo how's the book so far?
Also maybe like 15 or less more chapters and it's going to be completed.
Also thanks for the reads there like bloody amazing!!!! You guys are amazing for reading!!!! Thanks

That Moment (Harry styles/Selena Gomez fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant