- Chapter 26 -

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The headlines were all talking about my "mystery guy" and Harry's "mystery girl". Honestly they were all crazy I mean Nick Jonas? Really and that "source" was made up. Me and Harry just laugh at the headlines. We were all in Nevada and the last stop was LA which was in a few days. My whole album was finished and ready to be released in a few weeks.

"Claire! Wifey hold me!" Louis said running to me. "Why?" I raised my eyebrow Louis can be weird sometimes. "Because it's cold and I'm freezing and you as my wife have to hold me!" He stated. When did he start calling me wife?

"You do know the heaters on." Before he could say anything Niall walked in. "Ooooo I wanna cuddle too!" He ran to me and hugged my other side. Oh no here we go again. Kendall and Carlos walked in with McDonalds bags and James as Logan walked in with the drinks.

"God look at what their making up now." Harry walked in with Zayn. "There saying your into girls." I busted out laughing pushing Louis and Niall off. "Wait your not are you?"

"Oh yea Harry I'm sorry I didn't tell you I'm actually dating Taylor Swift and she wrote You Belong With Me about me." I said seriously. Carlos nearly chocked on his food and Kendall spit his coffee out.

"The song that goes she wears short skirts I wear t shirts she's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers . . ." Louis sang right when Zayn walked in with Liam.

"Is that Taylor Swift?" Zayn asked while going to get his drink. "Yea Taylor and Claire usted to date!" Niall said cheerfully. Zayn spit his coke out and Liam's eyes widened.

"Guys I'm joking ok I'm not into girls." Logan started laughing. "You guys should have seen your faces especially Harry's it looked like he was about to faint." James said.

"That's not funny." Harry pouted. "You know what's not funny your corny jokes but I still laugh why? Because I just like you that much." I hugged Harry.

"Ok take that outside were trying to eat we don't need you here making babies on this couch remember what happened last time." Louis said looking at Liam. After the whole incident I let Danielle off with a warning and Liam's stayed as far away from her as possible. Dani isnt that bad we actually have gotten past that and became good friends.

"C'mon we haven't had time to ourselves lately." Harry led me to his room and we layed in his bed hugging each other. I loved cuddling with Harry it just felt so right. Whenever I'm with him the whole world vanishes as it's just us.

"The tours over in a few days you know that right?" He asked I just nodded. I didn't want it to be over I just wanted to stay with him like this forever.

"Then we have that interview." Honestly I was ready to tell people we were dating I didn't care what people had to say. "I don't want to hide anymore."

"And we won't have too after that." He kissed the top of my head. "There bound to ask us questions about who were seeing we'll just both hold hands and say it ok don't worry what other people say."

"I'm not I just want to get it over with." I looked up at him. "What are we gonna do after this you have an album and a tour this same year." I didn't want Harry to leave if I could I would lock him up and keep him hid away but I can't he's not just mine.

"We'll figure it out I'm not letting you go tho." I smiled glad to hear he wasn't because I wasn't either.

- - - -

"Claire can I talk to you." I turned around and found Liam standing awkwardly behind me. I smiled at him letting him know it was ok.

"Look I'm sorry for what happened with Danielle I was just mad at Sophia I want to explain what happened. You see Sophia cheated on me and I was just pissed that when I saw her walk in our dressing room looking for you I just grabbed her and well you know that rest." He held his head down.

"It's ok Liam but you have to tell Dani that she still hates your guts." I smile at him and went in to hug him.

"Oh sorry I don't know you guys were here." Niall said. "It's ok Niall come her." I held my arms wide and he came in for a hug too. It's nice to just sometimes hug your friends.

"I'll miss you guys when this tour ends" they both smiled back.

"We'll keep on an eye on Harry make sure he doesn't go off flirting and keep girls off him." Liam said.

"Is there any space for us?" We turned and saw Louis and Zayn walking towards usand we all piled in for a big hug. I'm going to miss this.

"We promise we won't let Harry hurt you which I doubt will happen have you looked at yourself." Zayn said which made me blush.

"If anything happens we'll tell you we all promise." Louis said seriously which was odd since he's always joking around. We stayed out in the balcony for a bit still hugging each other.

"I'm hungry" Niall said out of no where which made us all laugh.

That moment I knew I could count on these guys they were all my best friends including Kendall, Logan, James, and Carlos. I could trust these guys to tell me anything they would never let me down.

That Moment (Harry styles/Selena Gomez fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora