- Chapter 42 -

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"So what do you guys think of Claire Woods?" The interviewer asked obviously hoping that I would do something after they finished there interview. We were all backstage watching The Wanteds interview waiting for ours.

"I love her." Siva said. "Don't you guys?"

"She's a cute girl I'm jealous of Styles she's fit." Max said. I started getting impatient.

"She's beautiful." Jay said. "Yea very beautiful." Tom said. I don't mind guys calling her beautiful I know she was.

"So if you could be somebody for a day who would you be?" The interviewer asked.

"Um . . Harry Styles because he gets to date Claire Woods you know she's hot not to mention sexy." Nathan said smirking at the camera.

"THAT BASTARD!" I shot out my seat already walking to the door to get to the studio that was a few footsteps away.

"Calm down Harry he's trying to get a reaction out you like they did with Lou and Zayn. Ignore them" Liam said while Niall and Lou tried to pull me back.

You see there was some sort of argument about Zayns hair? With Max I don't know and then all of a sudden Lou and Tom from The Wanted got into some sort of Twitter war. The media was having a field day with this. We were all here with Big Time Rush and The Wanted doing interviews all together but I'm just guessing Miranda booked this for us to let the media know there are no hard feelings between us and The Wanted but they were making it difficult. Nathan kept talking about Claire on how sexy and hot she was that I couldn't contain my anger and jealousy.

"So this whole Twitter boyband war what do the guys from Big Time Rush think?" They had moved on to BTR.

"I don't really care." James said.

"Wait is it about who's hair is taller or something? I don't really pay attention." Logan said genually confused.

"I'm not sure tho Zayn has some pretty tall hair." Carlos said smiling.

"Next question." Kendall said. The interview went smoothly and soon it was our turn. The audience was in screams and some girls were crying. Its nice to see we have that reaction.

"So guys how's your tour coming along?" We all gave individual answers commenting on how blessed and thankful we are of our fans. which we were because without them we are nothing and its always a pleasure to meet them.

"So Harry there's this picture of you and Cara Delevinge." I groaned on the inside. I just kissed her on the cheek!

"Were just friends I'm happily taken." I said smiling. Me and Claire made up exactly 2 weeks ago and till now I've managed to keep my other encounters a secret. I'm respecting her decisions aren't I?


The media was going crazy over Harry's picture with Cara. She called thinking I might be mad but really I'm not it's the media blowing everything out of proportion as always. I was watching the boys give their interview while I waited for mine. Harry and the boys had to leave today for London and I was droping them off. I had heard what Nathan said and I knew exactly what he was trying to do.

"Let's go Claire." Danielle said. I nodded and followed her. She still wasn't talking to Liam and he was trying really hard.

"Have you talked to Liam?" I said. She ignored my question and just left once we got close to the set.

"Claire Woods everybody!" I walked in and waved at the audience.

"So Claire I'm sure you must be annoyed with everybody claiming your charming FAITHFUL boyfriend cheated." Kate said once I sat down.

"Not really I trust him he would never do anything like that." I said smiling.

"Yes we know I mean who would look at yourself." I blushed. "He's not the only one who wants you. Nathan Skye's, Logan Lerman, and Justin Bieber all claimed your their celeb crush." The audience started screaming.

"I may be their celeb crush but I belong to only one and that's Harry." She smiled and continued on with the interview.

- - - -

Once the interview was over me and Dani went to Starbucks where I accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry love." I looked up and saw Nathan. "Claire Woods I'm Nathan." I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you." Dani walked over and looked at Nathan, eyeing him carefully.

"Claire let's go." I nodded.

"Hey wait let me buy you a drink?" He said opening the door for us.

"Uh maybe next time I have to go say goodbye to my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" He looked confused. "Oh Harry Styles I forgot you were dating that guy." That guy? What's that suppose to mean? I ignored it and walked out with Dani heading to pick the guys up.

- - - -

Once we picked the lads up we drove straight to the airport. Fans and paparazzi were all out side waiting to take pictures and of course fans to get autographs and pics.

Paul led us thru the crowd. He had told the guys not to stop for pictures but they stopped anyway. Once we were all inside the guys split up to use the bathroom or get food for the plane ride. Harry was off to the side on his phone talking to someone.

Zayn and Niall walked up to me and both gave me a hug.

"Were going to miss you. Take care ok love." Zayn said kissing me on the cheek.

"I'm going to miss you clairebear!" Niall said pulling me into a huge bear hug. Boy did this cute leprechaun have strength, "Oh nialler I'm going to miss you too!"

"Is nobody going to miss me?" Liam asked putting his arms around me. I laughed and hugged him, I loved these boys.

"How bout Louis everybody loves Louis!" Lou yelled. I hugged Lou and they all kissed my cheek. I looked over at Harry and he was still on the phone. I turned back around to the guys but the lady over the intercom said it was time for them to leave.

"I'm going to miss you." Harry whispered in my ear. "I love you Claire." I turned myself around and put my arms around his neck. "I'll see you in 2 weeks for the TCA's and then 1 week later for the Vanity Fair event." I nodded and kissed him.

"I love you!" I yelled when he left thru the doors. He turned around and blew me a kiss.

Harry was an absolute sweetheart! ❤️

That Moment (Harry styles/Selena Gomez fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें