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I've finally decided on a title! Yay! The sequel to The Blind Lycan will be....(drum roll)....The Lycan's Cure.

New challenges, new enemies and new threats. Bigger, better, badder than ever before. Unlikely allies becomes friends, in a twisted world where anything is possible, it seems even the unholiest Of creations are fighting for something everybody wants.

Free will.

Vampires haven't posed a threat to mankind in over a thousand years. Allies of wolves, friends of humans. Now they're turning, savagely slaughtering humans like never before, taking the free will of those who refuse to bend the knee.

Vampires...wolves...hybrids...pureblood Lycan's...Dragons...at war for one thing, freedom. After all freedom isn't something that is given, it's something you have to fight for, only the strongest survive.

They say a thousand, thousand years ago gods walked the earth. Battling to reign over all mankind as it was then, they fought amongst themselves, until their blood blessed the earth, giving birth to hundreds of new species. One god was left standing, someone had to defeat the others.

Lucifer himself. Of course the second the angels found out of his treachery, they immediately cast him from the sky, banishing him to the rotting pits of hell for all eternity.

The moon favoured the creations of the night, unable to watch them destroy one another she took it into her own hands. Selene is by far the most peaceful of the goddesses, very much looked past in power. A loving mother will go all distances, she will go that extra mile for her children. Selene broke all laws, including her own. She snapped the natural laws of nature, giving life to a far superior species, the very first hybrids. Warriors to do the bidding that she couldn't, to fight in her honour and restore peace. The most unforgiving thing above all, was releasing the devil from his eternal cage, not only releasing him...but the fire that was banished to burn in the dark for over a thousand years.

Fire of the dragon.

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