chapter 60

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~ chapter 60 ~

"Angel?" I sat up through the darkness rubbing my eyes, my voice hoarse from being half asleep. The door shut quietly.

"I didn't mean to wake you" he muttered shuffling around, as my vision cleared I could see him perfectly as he stripped down. My body heated up making my thighs clench, I averted my gaze knowing now wasn't the time.

"You can look baby, it's nothing you haven't seen before" he winked at my through the darkness, his husky chuckle bouncing around the room. It was strange for him to call me 'baby' or any other pet name, I was lana normally.

"I don't think our guests would appreciate the noise" I teased him, his face fell as he glanced around.

"I knew I should have kept them downstairs" he grumbled climbing into the bed beside me. He snaked his arms around me pulling me into his chest, I cuddled into him getting comfy.

"I love you" he told me softly as I tucked my head into his chest. My heart swelled and sped up like every time he said those three words. His touch brought me warm, tingles and comfort.

"And I love you" I bit back a smile, I heard his heart change beat before returning to normal.

"The annual meeting has been recalled tomorrow for obvious reasons" he told me, I smiled slightly knowing he had finally decided to tell me his plans.

"How long will be gone?"

"Your coming with me" he admitted. I immediately look up at him suprised. He didn't look at me, he was looking behind me in thought.

"The other alphas wish me dead, is that a good idea?" I asked. His arms tightened around me his chest rumbling with silent growls.

"Nobody will harm you, they got my message last time" he didn't explain further but I assumed it involved someone getting killed.

"Your so protective" I chuckled lightly.

"Only with you" he whispered husky, placing a small sweet kiss behind my ear leaving sparks.

"When we're in public try and turn it down a notch, your possessiveness makes me want to unforgivable things" I grinned devilishly. He smirked slightly looking down at me with a raised brow.

"Is that so?" He murmured leaning closer pressing his lips softly against mine. His rock hard muscled moved under me sending waves of heat through me.

"Uh huh" I whispered through the kiss barely holding back a smirk of my own, I could feel his rock hard member poking into my thigh. I barely contained a moan as he moved more on top of me.

"Your lucky we have guests" he muttered after trailing hot needy kisses down my throat. He rolled onto his back, pulling me with him so I was half on top of him.

"What time do we leave?" I asked covering my mouth as I let out a small yawn. His arms tightened around me holding me closer, my head rested on his hard muscled chest.

"Whenever your ready" I chuckled.

"Oo such a rebel" I joked, his chest rumbled beneath me as he let out a manly chuckle.

"Sleep Lana" he told me softly sensing how tired I was, I rolled my eyes at his behaviour but shut my eyes anyway. Ready to sleep.

"Wait, who will look after the babies?" I asked looking up at him. He gave me a small smile, realised what I'd said and shut my mouth quickly.

"Trusted warriors" he told me not commenting on what I'd said, I simply nod and lay back down shutting my eyes.

"Goodnight love" was the last thing I heard.

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