chapter 63

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"I'll go first" I didn't let him reply. Stepping through the door I shut it behind me. All heads snapped my way as they weren't familiar with me. All except one man anyway.

Chloes mate.

"Dakota! I thought steel was hallucinating when he mentioned bringing you" Marcus chuckled, I shrugged.

"How's immortality?" I asked flashing him a pearly white grin.

"As good as it can be, you wouldn't have anything to do with that would you?" He raised his eyebrow amused. I shrugged slightly. 

"I have many powers Marcus, but gifting a being with immortality seems a little far fetched, doesn't it?" He shook his head when he saw the twinkle of mischief in my eyes.

"Anyway! I'm here to settle some issues with the other..Low status leaders" I told him, purposely shifting my eyes to the other men who stood in a crowd watching me with distaste but shock and..lust..great.

"I get that I'm the most gorgeous woman in this room but please, don't forget what I've done" I smirked resting my palms on the table, leaning forward slightly. I enjoyed the raw hate and fury on the men's faces but even they couldn't deny their own lust for me, for my strength, my power.

"What are you doing here? This is strictly forbidden to all who were not born into the alpha blood line." One spat at me disgusted. My smirk dropped, my expression becoming cold and emotionless.

"Seeing as I'm not part dog, I can understand that. However your below me in strength, power, speed..everything. All of you are. My whole life I never thought I would have to do things I have to those I once loved, but for the sake of your kind and angels kind, I have. You doubt my loyalty to him, you doubt that I wouldn't hurt him and after 600 years of pain I don't blame you" I told them standing straight, looking each and every one of them in the eye.

They needed to see that I wasn't weak, but I wasn't heartless either. Angel is the only person that i would give my life for, I saved chloe from dying but that didn't mean I would die for her.

"But he is stronger than anyone in this included. I don't regret the pain I've caused others because my whole life that's all I've felt myself, however my mate is the only person I wouldn't kill. I've hurt him yes but he gives as good as he gets" I couldn't help but smile a little as I thought back to the time we beat the shit out of each other before having hot rough make up sex.

Angel seemed to recall the same memory and flashed me a smirk from across the table.

"So when I kill again, don't sweat it. Because it will happen, it's in my nature. I didn't come here to apologise or make you think I'm a good person. Because I'm not, and I can admit that without remorse. You were all raised by wolves, literally. but me? I was raised by nothing more than feral humans, hunters in fact"

"I was born to kill. My fate isn't to live happily with my mate, with a ring on my finger or children running around me" I told them coldly. Angel was at my side in a second, his hand wrapping around my waist rubbing soothing circles with his thumb.

My eyes met his icy bright blue ones and even though he couldn't see, I smiled reassuringly.

"My life balances in between the destruction of the world, and peace. But to get to peace we have to go to war. We will loose soldiers, women and children. But in years to come it will have been worth it, a sacrifice well made" they seemed to listen to my honest words but I couldn't tell if any of them bought it.

"Even I have made sacrifices of my own. For a while I've known that I would never be able to birth a heir to angels blood line" I spoke. His grip tightened on me but I didn't protest. The men seemed shocked by this.

"Recently a man who I will not name turned up. But he knew me as if he's known me in another life. I also found out that my name isn't Dakota"

"My name is Aphrodisia, and my blood line? The moons life runs through my veins, for I am an original"

Perfect silence fell around the room, everyone held their breath in utter shock.

"So you see, the moon will not allow a pure bloodline from two different species to cross. It could bring another war, one that no one can save us from. The child would be unstoppable if it was to even survive. But it is impossible, forbidden in every language known to man"

"Well now you know everything about me. If you still wish to kill me then that's your choice but unless you step on my toes I will bring no harm to you. Unless of course you all continue to attempt to downsize my mate, who is also a pure blood" I didn't tell them exactly what he was but they didn't need to know that.

I didn't look at angel, the news about our non existent child already being forbidden just slipped from my mouth. He'll blame himself, I know he will. But it's nobody's fault, it's just impossible.

"You may see me as arrogant, too powerful and a bitch. But I also have a very short temper, it only takes one wrong word" I left the rest to their imagination. I could see the worry on their faces even when they tried to hide it.

I managed to Strike fear into every alpha across the world with my speech, whether it stays or not is entirely up to them.



No answer.

"Angel!" I raised my voice slightly due to his ignorance.

Still no answer.

"Fucking hell!" I fumed storming across the room. I wanted to slap him for being so annoying.

Reaching him I grabbed his arm yanking him to face me, his dark cold eyes glared down at me. I simply sighed and let go of him.

"If your silence is your way of getting back at me then so be it, but I'm not going to beg for your forgiveness" I told him.

I kept it from him because I knew he would hate himself knowing he was partly the cause of us not having children. The truth was, I didn't want kids. At one time I might have but knowing what I do now, me and angel are only meant to fight. Having kids was never my fate, or his.

No answer.

"Don't blame yourself. Your free to have kids with someone of your choice, I know that you need a heir so I won't judge you. But even if I chose to mate with another original there would be a 70 percent chance that I wouldn't get pregnant" I shut the door behind me leaving him with my words.

I meant what I said. If he still wanted to have children after this then he would have no choice but to mate with another woman. I wouldn't hate him for it because I know that every alpha male has to have a child at some point, many alphas have killed their own mates because they couldn't carry a baby.

Walking down the long familiar hallway I open the large oak door, heads snapped towards me as silence filled the room.

Shutting the door behind me I head over to the table they were crowded around and shook my head as I saw their plan to attack the new threat.

"That won't work" I told them earning glares.

"we've been working on this all night, so unless you have a better plan please be silent" one alpha snapped tiredly.

"Actually, I do." I smirked at them. They looked surprised but slightly relieved at the same time.

"Care to share?"

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