Chapter 74

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"Get off me!"

"Let go!"

I scream at him to stop, my ribs throbbing as he continued assaulting me. His lips pulled into a boyish grin as he tickles my sides, my body wriggling to get away from him. But he only holds me down.

My laughter had begun to fade, and I really did want him to stop. So I do the only thing I could do at this point. Reaching across the edge of the bed I grasp the lamp on the bed side table. And you know what I did? I smashed it over his head.

He freezes above me, his face changing to one of stone. His eyes flashing pitch black. His muscled toned body tense. I could sense the anger in his Lycan, he wanted to hurt me like I have him. But at the same time he didn't want to hurt me because I am his.

Laughing loudly I quickly shove him to the side, and jump to my feet on the bed. Looking down at him as I cross my arms and arch one eyebrow.

"I told you to stop" I defend myself calmly.

He glares at me with his black eyes. He gets to his knees and wraps his huge muscular arms around my slim waist. Pressing my body against his chest. He lifts his head and looks up at me as he rests his chin on my flat toned stomach, a few centimetres below my boobs. Even on his knees he's tall.

"You have a" I bite back a laugh, and uncross my arms. Gently grabbing the glass I slowly pull it from his face, he remains unfazed as I do this. Not batting an eyelash as I remove the few large pieces of glass embedded into his head.

When I was done pulling the glass shards out, I smile innocently. Not liking him being hurt, I lean down. And lick the wound on his face. I feel his arms tighten around me, and a muffled throaty groan comes from him. Recoiling away from him I scowl with a stern glare.

"Don't even try it" I warn. He ignores my threat, and let's his hands roam my butt.

I quickly stop him and grab his overly large rough hands firmly, feeling the old scars under my finger tips littering his once smooth skin. Peeling his hands from my body I step away from him. Reaching behind me I grab a pillow, and toss it at him. He swiftly catches it and looks down at the pillow with a frown.

"You can take the couch" I flash him a smug smirk, and point to the couch on the other end of the room. His eyes widen like a puppy being told off, and his attitude drops.

"But i-

"But nothing Steel, sleep well" I narrow my eyes at him, Silently waiting for his Lycan to grow infuriated with my attitude. Call me cruel, but I found that a riled up Angel is extremely sexy. He's sexy anyway, but when he gets all angry and worked up, I can barely control myself.

As if reading my thoughts he also narrowed my eyes, and that was when I realised he must've read my mind. Seeing the look in his eyes I shrug my shoulders lightly, flashing him a cheeky grin.

With a child like pout he snatches a pillow from the bed before heading over to the couch slowly. He drags his feet like a spoiled child as he walks, I watch with a serious expression even though inside I was laughing my ass off.

He tosses he pillow down on the couch, and drops onto it. His face buried in the pillow. He kept his back to me which I rolled my eyes at.

After brushing my teeth and stripping my clothes off I climb into the bed wearing only my undergarments.

Dead silence filled the air, the atmosphere felt so thick that I could cut it with a knife. But I didn't give into the temptation of having him in the bed with me.

I remained still for a while, trying my hardest to fall to sleep. After a long awaited wait, I finally felt the comfortable darkness that only sleep could bring. And I felt myself drifting off.


"Wake up."

My eyes snapped open immediately upon request. I sat up quickly, turning my body to the right and placing my bare feet on the solid freezing ice beneath them.

"Good. Stand." He orders endearingly. His voice menacing under the fake kindness.

I rise to my feet. Standing before him in the clothes he had given me. A tight black sports bra, and tight plain black spandex.

He liked to see my body, to make sure it's always kept in the highest of shape and fitness. He also liked to pleasure himself to it.

"Today, you will do something for me. Do you want to know what it is?" He asks me tauntingly.

My dull lifeless eyes remained unblinking as I stared straight ahead, not seeing him.

"If it please you, Sir" I reply, my voice completely dead.

His hands slip to the curve of my waist, his bare hands bravely roaming my smooth skin. I was used to this treatment, but what he did next..I'd never imagined he would do. I knew he was a cruel and cold man, but to stoop so was below even him.

"Turn around" he orders me, chuckling.

I do as I'm told and turn away from him. Suddenly he grabs the back of my neck, shoving my head down towards the bed. Under his complete control I could do nothing, feel nothing. Only let it happen.

He releases my neck, ordering me to stay bent over the bed. I hear the sound of his belt hitting the floor as he drops his suit trousers to his ankles.

His cold hands grip the waistband of my spandex shorts, and in one motion he tore them from my body. Leaving my bottom half full exposed, he never gives me undergarments to wear.

I feel his dark eyes lustfully taking in my exposed body. Right after that I could feel his member poking at my rear end. He grabs the soft flesh of my butt, squeezing it painfully.

"Relax, I need you in top condition for your fight tonight" are the last words I heard before excruciating pain rippled through my body as he thrust his member into a place that should never be touched by a mans body.

But I couldn't scream. I couldn't fight him. Or tell him no. I could only remain still, as he had commanded me to. As he completely violated, and tore up my backside.


"Shh..I've got you...He will never hurt you again. I swear it on the goddess and stars" the familiar voice of my mate broke through the terrifying darkness.

I barely woke up, just snuggled deeper into his tight and protective embrace. He held me securely whilst I slept, keeping me wrapped in his hard muscular arms.

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