chapter 70

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He placed me on my feet outside a door. It took at least 10 minutes to get here as whatever was behind this thick iron door was hidden deep under the house.

"Go in, they're waiting" he told me unlocking the door for me. I gave him a curious glance before entering the room, cautiously looking around.

I was surprised but also grateful and happy that he had gone through the effort to have them here with me, leaving them at home would kill them.

"Thankyou, so much!" I beamed smiling brightly as I knelt down, opening my arms for the animal cubs as they ran at me. Small tongues licked my face, hands and arms while they fought over who gets to climb up me.

The room they stayed in was humongous, a huge tree sat in the middle for them to climb up, different ropes and tires swung from it. Their was a stream to the side with fresh water, climbing frames for the apes and monkeys, the walls were painted 3D of the forest. It was beautiful.

"Its're amazing, Thankyou" I smiled softly as I stood, planting a gentle lingering kiss on his lips.

His hand held my head in place for a few more seconds making me smile before he set me free.

"I try" he grinned wickedly. I laughed rolling my eyes before returning to my cubs.


I lost track of time as I chased them around the huge space, rolling around on the floor for them to jump on me. At one point I even allowed my inner predator to come alive, connecting to the cubs on a whole new level.

Once they were tired and worn out from hours of playing I begrudgingly decided to leave. Angel had left to give me some time alone with them which I'm grateful for, its nice to be with them knowing no one is judging your actions. I know Angel doesn't judge me but it still felt nice to just be alone.

Heading out of the room quietly I made sure to lock the door before heading up to the first floor to find the alphas.

"What if we attack in three waves? Will that work?"

"After the first wave they will know we haven't sent in all of our people, they'd sworn our upcoming armies and slaughter them"

"...well what if we surrounded them, separated them into groups before picking them off"

"They'd call for backup. Besides, they will know if they're being surrounded. Either way were as good as dead"

" no matter what we do, were going to die!? This is fucking bullshit! They have to have a weakness"

It was clear that tension was growing between the men. So I decided to step in.

Everyone was here, angel, my brothers, and the alphas.

"And they do" I reassured the men.

They looked at me with narrowed eyes "do tell" one replied sighing with frustration.

I made my way to middle of the room where a map of their land lay, however I knew that it was false.

Talking a pen I began to mark out the correct plot of their castle, secret hideouts, tunnels, exits, doors, traps, dungeons, and everything else their retched land had.

The men looked at the paper with a frown, but my brothers simply looked angry. Me knowing this land wasn't necessary a good thing.

"Their leader will front and centre once they know were coming. He expects us to move straight for the heart, him. He knows I am coming for him, he will be waiting. His men will be hidden within these parts" I explained pointing to the hideouts and trees.

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