chapter 32

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~ chapter 32 ~

'Its done' her silk voice filters through my mind.

'How long will it take?' I ask removing my hand slowly from inside her womb, blood pouring out everywhere.

'As long as the baby needs' she replies softly.

My body is pushed aside, hands grab me from every direction. Fury runs through my veins, glaring at the werewolves I shove them off using my inhuman strength.

In a flash in standing up glaring darkly at angel, his give away his emotions but his face remains hard.

"Get away from her!" He snarls at his pack as they advance on me, instantly they back off. I could see the pain in his eyes, i killed the one thing we couldn't have. That makes me heartless.

"Why?" He asks in his alpha voice, one that normally would send pleasure through me. But knowing I'd caused him pain only made me angry.

I remain silent, a doctor kneels down by the open womb and starts to check on the baby.

The pack look at me like I'm a monster. I know what I am, I've accepted it. And so should they.

"She killed a woman and her unborn child, surely even the alpha female has consequences as for her actions!" A pack member says furiously. Many agree and angel simply watches me with a heated gaze.

"She will not be receiving punishment. Anyone who disagrees can join the fate of the hunter. Am I clear?!" He barks his order, those who had been against me seconds ago quickly give in under their alpha.

I remain silent despite everyone. His pack felt disgust towards me, they were allowed to have emotions so I remained unknown to that.

"Get rid of the body" angel orders the doctor who nods, but even he thought I was heartless. In their eyes I'd killed an innocent child.

The pack disperse in different directions, the doctor takes Stacy's body to the morgue until a funeral is arranged.

"Did you have to do it?" He asks dropping his tough facade. He thought the child could have lived, we could have brought it up as our own.

"If I didn't do you think I would have?" I reply briskly walking past him and into the pack house. He makes no move to stop me which I'm glad for.

I was angry he thought so low of me. I hated myself for being weak, for doing what's right. But even I couldn't do it, I could feel its emotions. Its innocence. Purity. Love. Hope.

To get rid of that kind of innocence is to go against the moon.


I lay in bed awake that night, angel still wasn't seeing me and if I'm honest I wouldn't be surprised if he slept in another room. But as I lay there, I grow more worried over the fetus.

What if it couldn't survive the venom?

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