He laughs to himself as he backs us out onto the road, and drives us to work. "Well if you must know, it was your boss's brother, Liam. He's been contacting me all morning about assisting his new PA. Wanker woke me up before my alarm," he tells me. I laugh at his dramatic attitude and shake my head. "Mr Jackson's C.V. is questionable, to say the least, Thomas," I say looking at him and then back at the road.

"Most of his credentials were fabricated, his unemployment records don't exist, and the companies he supposedly worked for are false," I state as a matter of factly and cross my arms. Thomas looks over at me, and adds, "You know, this would be a great thing to talk to Liam about. After all, he is the CFO of the company." "No. Forget it. I thought we all agreed that I would avoid him at all cost, unless absolutely necessary," I retort like a child.

Thomas gives me a look before looking back at the road and shutting up. Peace and quiet, just how I like it. "But..." I spoke too soon. "This might be crucial for the continuance of his company," Thomas says and I grunt to myself. "Fine, but only because this could cost us our jobs," I say while narrowing my eyes at him and pointing at him with my finger. Thomas cheers and starts playing one of our favourite songs.

Glad the conversation is over, I start singing along while dancing around. "Surrender my everything 'cause you made me believe you're mine," the lyrics pour out of me and it only makes me dance along even more. "I give and I give and I give and you take, give and you take." This time, Thomas joins me as we sing along. "Youngblood. Say you want me. Say you want me. Out of your life," we sing until the song ends.

Eventually, we reach our work, and Thomas drops me off at the entrance. I breathe before heading in and taking the lift upstairs to my floor. I walk over to my desk and perform my routine. I pull out my mobile and heels and place my bag under my desk. I take off my coat and place it on the back of my chair before sitting down. I take off my boots, put on my heels and place my boots next to my bag.

I cover my face with my hands as I dread what I'm about to do next. I login into my computer and print out the necessary documents. Deciding not to make a scene like last time, I call his temporary receptionist, Brooke. I push aside my feelings and make the call. " CFO Mr Brickman's office. This is Brooke Spellings speaking. How may I help you?" Brooke asks in a professional manner.

"It's Vanessa, Brooke," I say and hear her scoff. "What do you need Bane?" she replies dryly. "When's Mr Brickman available today? I need to talk to him about the payroll. Certain numbers aren't adding up." "Let me check his schedule," Brooke tells me as I hear her typing away and flipping pages every now and then. "He's available for approximately 10 minutes at 1. I've made the appointment. Don't forget, if you're on time, you're late. Was that all, Bane?"

I look around my desk to make sure I'm not missing anything and nod my head. "Yep. That was-" I try to say but hear her end the call. I end the call as well and notice my mobile's about to die. I plug my mobile into the charger I leave at work and continue gathering evidence against Mr Jackson. The questions just keep piling up and fellow colleagues names keep popping up. "What the hell is going on here?" I ask myself softly.

"I don't know. You tell me, Ms Bane." I hear Thomas say and turn to face him. "Sorry Thomas. I was caught up with work." I tell him and he shakes his head knowingly. "It's always been work first with you. You need to learn to take a break. It's lunchtime and I'm rather famished, so let's go eat." Thomas cheekily says as he grabs my hands and gets me off of my chair. I giggle at his eagerness to eat.

"Alright. Just let me grab my coat and bag." I tell him with a smile. "Actually, all you'll need is your coat, since this is a company paid lunch." I scrunch my eyebrows at him and Thomas clarifies. "I may have convinced Richard that you've been working so hard and diligently, that you haven't eaten in practically a day. So, he's paying for our lunch," Thomas says with a smile and I hear someone knock on the wall.

 So, he's paying for our lunch," Thomas says with a smile and I hear someone knock on the wall

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"That's right. I was even told by the cleaning staff that you requested their leave for the night in order to catch up on work." Richard tells me. His black & royal blue suit compliments his physique well. "My apologies Richard, I didn't see you there," I say while looking down at my desk. "I'm ordering that both of you go eat and get back to work by... let's say 12:30?" Richard asks us with a cheeky smile. I gasp in disbelief at his offer, but before I can say anything else, Thomas is already agreeing for the both of us.

"Splendid. See you both at 12:30." Richard says before walking away. Thomas shakes me with joy over our nearly hour-long break. "Oh and Ms Bane," Richard calls out from the hall, "make sure you stop by my office before you get back to work." I look to Thomas for answers, but he's too busy basking in our break time to have noticed any innuendos.

I grab my coat off my chair and drag Thomas towards the lift.

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