"Did he answer?"

"No." He let out a frustrated sigh.

"What? Maybe he just needed time by himself for a bit."

"He doesn't just do that, he would answer saying 'leave me alone'. Something's wrong, and we need to find him before he does something he will regret."

For a half hour, Calum and I drove around to places where we thought Luke may be. I sat on the curb and frustatedly pulled at my hair as I continued to reach him. Calum gave me Michael's number, and he was suggesting places while he and Ashton drove around.

"If we don't find him he's going to land himself in jail again!" Calum yelled into the phone, he was talking to Ashton.

"Again?" He glanced at me but didn't answer, and I dramatically rolled my eyes at him a few times so I was sure he noticed.

"Okay Ash said there's one other place he could be that we haven't checked. C'mon." I didn't hesitate to get in the car, I was exhausted and worried. Calum only drove for about five minutes before stopping at a small parking lot. I noticed Ashton and Michael climbing out of a car and we walked to meet them.

Looking around I saw we were at a cemetary. Calum whispered something to Ashton and then his eyes widened, he pointed towards something.

Someone was shining a phone at a grave. All of us walked slowly to the other side of the car and stayed back, incase it was someone coming to yell at us for trespassing, but when the turned the phone back around and the light shined in their face, we all almost took off running.

Luke stood in front of a grave, clicking his phone off and sitting down in the grass. Calum started to walk over but Michael stopped him.

"Let Peyton go, girls are good at this stuff." He whispered. Cal was obviously hurt that he was replaced, but he rejoined the group anyways as I began walking to Luke. He didn't notice me as I approached from behind him.

"You miss her?" I sat down cross-legged next to him, he didn't even flinch.

"Just needed someone else to talk to."

"Do I not count?"

"I had to talk to someone that's no longer involved in my mess of a life."

"She will always be a part of it. And don't say that, everyone's life is messed up, stop putting everything on yourself." Luke stayed quiet as he stared forward at the grave, there was a picture of Chelsea propped up against the stone, a candle in front of it.

"Come on." He said after a while, standing and pulling me up with him. "Let's go home."

Luke came with Calum and me, and Cal took me home first.

"Pey, can I stay with you tonight?" Luke asks me as I leave the car.

"Uh sure, but wait outside for a minute, I have to make sure no one is waiting for me inside." He nods.

No one is waiting for me when I get inside, and I wave Luke in after checking the kitchen. Calum texts me 'be careful' when he drives away and I make a face before closing my phone. Tomorrow is Friday and I want to lay down as soon as I can, I need all the sleep I can get.

Luke joined me upstairs and I wanted to make him sleep on the floor incase my mom came in but to be honest I didn't even care anymore. "Goodnight Pey." I heard him quietly whisper as he slings an arm over me and moves me closer into him.

"Goodnight Luke."

I wake up to my mom calling my name. "Peyton, get up now or you're going to be late!" She yells. I immediately shake Luke awake and slipped from his arms, sliding off the bed. I moved quickly, picking out another band shirt and skinny jeans.

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