Your Arms Around Me

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I open my eyes, Jungkook is not awake yet, I check the clock behind me, it's 12 p.m, I should maybe hurry to go shopping with TaeTae and Jimin. I wonder why none of them woke me up.

I got out of Jungkook's arms, trying to not wake him up and stand up.


Jungkook : Hey, are you trying to avoid me?

I look at him.

Me : No, I was about to get ready for today without waking you up.

Jungkook : I want you to wake me up every time you're awake.

Me : Alright I will but do the same for me then.

Jungkook : Yes, but I need my candy of the morning *smile*

Me : After I get ready *smile*

He pouts and throws his body on the bed like a little, cute baby.
But I won't give in so I walk towards the bathroom and do what I have to do to get ready.


I get out from the bathroom, I look at Jungkook, who hasn't spoken yet which is strange from him, but I realize that he fell asleep.
I slowly approach him and kiss him on the cheek before going downstairs, I know he told me to wake him up, but I want him to sleep so he won't be tired.

Taehyung : Hello our little baby angel *smile*

Me : Hello! *smile*

Jimin : Hey, are you ready for today's shopping?

Me : Yes, a lot! But why didn't you wake me up?

Jimin : We didn't want to bother you in your sleep and we have time so it's okay *smile*

Me : But now I feel like a lazy potato.. *smile*

Jimin : A lazy potato? *giggle* Why are you so adorable?!

I smile at him and go to the kitchen to cook my breakfast but see Jin who's already cooking.

Jin : Hello princess! *smile*

Me : Hello, prince *smile*

Jin : I heard footsteps so I assumed you were waking up, and I started cooking you're breakfast.

Me : Oh yeah I forgot you were cooking my breakfast! You don't have to!

Jin : I know but I want to *smile*

I get closer to see what he's cooking but hear someone coming.

I don't even have the time to check who it is because I already feel arms around me.

JImin : What are you both doing?

Jimin?! I would've expected it to be Jungkook but his arms around me makes me feel butterflies in my stomach....

Jin : Isn't it obvious?

Jimin : Sympathetic as always..

Jin : Stupid questions, stupid answers..

Jimin : It was not a stupid question..

I try to focus on the things they're saying but feeling Jimin's arms around me kind of disturbs me, not in a bad way know... my heart is beating fast.

Someone else came to join us.

Taehyung : No need to try to cook her breakfast, she will like mine better anyway!

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