Authors Note..

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Will you look at that, you've reached the end of this book.  Are you sad? Happy? Want more?

Yeah, me too.

Well, I just want to thank you for finishing the story and enjoying it with me. Yaaaaay!!

Like I said before in the first chapter, this book was meant to be fluffy and I don't know if I hit the mark but by my standards I think I did.

So if you were disappointed, I'm sorry! But, remember, there are so many books on Wattpad, you'll find what your looking for!.

If you want more fluffy, lovey dovey and open minded individuals who just love each other too much to care about the fact that one of them is supernatural, don't worry, I have more. Booom!!

Each book I have in mind is a stand alone, I just categorized them into a series because of the theme which is supernatural fluff. It won't always be wolves and sometimes the wolves won't be of the same myths, get what I'm saying?

Like, here we had a wolf whose myth involves heat and being able to get pregnant. I can tell you now that some of the stories, the wolves in it won't have that, and some may. I'll go with feeling.

I hope to create different realities and different worlds as well. I don't know yet, still just thinking.

This book idea actually came to me the day I posted it. I had written the first four chapters without even knowing where it would really go, just that they would fall in love and it would be adorable for me and hopefully fill everyone with butterflies.

I know. I need to start planning things more.

On the matter of smut... Awkward gazing into the spiderweb I've been meaning to get rid of. I feel like I don't know smut anymore! What is happening!! Crying. I mean, I remember myself just starting out, I used to put it EVERYWHERE, but I think I got tired of it. Someone please fix me. Sigh. It's okay, though, I mean, sometimes smut just doesn't fit into the all round plot of things, you know? Which is why I didn't really force it into my brain when writing this. I told myself, it's okay, we all know they got down, I don't need to describe nothing and I think it worked.

It did...right!?

Anyhow. Here is the list of future books in this series. Remember, they won't need to be read in any specific order. Just pick which ever you like, which ever speaks most to you and read it.

I don't know when they will be posted but I will let you know!

-Supernatural Fluff Series-

The Arrangement √
The Stray
Stolen Kisses
Second Chances√
Immortal Mate
My Wild One
• Double Date√

I don't know if there will be more titles added to the list, but I shall see, so far those are all the fluffy books I have semi-planned out!

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