The Arrangement. 19

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Taylor Gibson-Finks

What am I looking at? What this.. Am I dreaming!? What the hell!? I whispered as I heard his thoughts and I found myself laying down on my belly, my ears pressing down to seem as innocent as possible.


I whined at him and he suddenly began walking away. I covered my furry face with my paws unable to take the sight. I knew he needed his space, and I knew that forcing him would be a bad move. So I stood, shook my fur out and gave the house one last look before I ran into the forest.

I ran as fast and as far as I could, trying to block the pain, to erase the image of his confused and wrecked expression. I was so tired by the end that I slumped by a tree and just lay there for a while, catching my breath and trying to figure out where we would go from here.

I rolled around a bit before I stood up and walked my way back home. I was trotting slowly, not in any hurry to face my most likely angry and confused and disbelieving mate. It would be dark soon so I hurried up a bit and found the house covered in darkness.

Only one light was on and it was the one by the pool. He was there, looking handsome and disheaved. He held a mug in his hand and his head raised, making him straighten as he caught me surrounded by the trees.

I felt fear despite myself. I didn't know what to expect, or what to say so I stepped back which made him stand.

"I won't hurt you..." He said suddenly, sadly even which made me perk up. "Just...can...can we talk?"

I need to talk to you...oh God, what am I to make of this? Can he understand me? What am I saying, he should...right?

Okay. I said into his mind before whimpering when he flinched and blinked. He turned away then and entered the house and I shifted, I felt the need to submit, to be as sweet and nonthreatening as possible. I tugged on my shorts that were still on the chair and my shirt before entering the house.

I haunched my back and dipped my head low, keeping my eyes to the ground.

He's... What am I going to even say?

I swallowed and blocked his thoughts out. I couldn't bare them anymore. I didn't know what to make of them.

I sat on the couch farthest from him, glancing at him from his place across the room. He was holding his mug tightly to his chest as he stared at me.

"I can explain." I said softly trying to break the tension.

"Really? I don't really believe that." He said quickly, there was a hint of uncertainty but no fear or hatred which moved me to look up at him.

"It's hard but...if you let me...I can try." I said frowning and meeting his eye, trying to show him how sincere I was being. He moved closer towards a couch across me and sat down.


"I'm a werewolf." I blurted out. "I've known since I was 13, when I first shifted." I told him and he looked away from me. "I didn't know much about it either. I spent the longest time thinking I was a freak, abnormal and I thought my parents would hate me for it." I told him, baring my soul to him without hesitation. There was no turning back now.

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