The Arrangement. 4

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Taylor Finks

I can't even begin to tell you how hot it suddenly felt. His arousal seemed to be all I could think about. I had to hold my breath to keep myself in check. I growled a little, lowly and I hoped he hadn't heard it, I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt them darken as my wolf pushed to gain control.

His hands loosened and I stood, swallowing and taking deep breaths.

"I..uh..need the bathroom." He rushed out and left. I collapsed on the seat and sighed. That was so close. My own penis had hardened and the seat I had fallen into had his scent all over it. I whined and rubbed my cheek on the seat trying to get him over me.

I was able to get myself under wraps and open my eyes. My cheeks coloured at the young girl staring at me. Unfortunately, the lights in the theatre had turned on. I stood and tried to maintain some of my dignity before leaving with her watching me.

I looked around wondering if Zane had already left after going to the bathroom. I nearly jumped as an arm wrapped around my shoulder. Zane gave me the wide eyed, tight lipped awkward but trying not to be look and I chuckled.

"You scared me," I said and rolled my eyes.

"That's what you get for watching such an awful movie." He said and I knew he was begging me not to say anything about what happened in the theatre and considering how embarrassed I had felt earlier I was more than willing to try and forget it.

My dreams were not going to go easy on me tonight.

He walked me to my car and he leaned over to kiss my cheek. I felt like my whole world had been made and my heart pounded against my chest so hard. It felt surreal. I had a stupid smile even as he watched me drive away.

Even as I got into bed and I said goodnight to my very big teddy bear sharing my bed for now.

Saturday came up sooner than I thought. I was dressed and my mom was gushing over me in my suit and I just laughed as my dad tried to get her attention.

"Oh, look at you!" She said and took a photo.

"It's like prom all over again." Dad grumbled with a pout.

"Oh, hush, just look at how handsome he is." Her eyes brimmed with tears.

"Mom, you are acting like its the wedding. Why are you being so extra?" I threw my hands up and then around her.

"I'm reminded how much older I am." She sniffed. "Soon you're going to be Mr. Finks-Gibson, or Mr. Gibson-Finks." She sniffed.

"I like the sound of that," I laughed and she followed before patting my back.

"I love you so much,son." She touched my cheeks and kissed my forehead.

"Love you too mom."

"Yes, yes, yes, we all love one another, now let's go."

I laughed as dad ushered us out of the house to the limousine. We had some wine and I watched my parents be lovey dovey. It wasn't creepy at all.

Soon we arrived at the venue. It looked like one big party was happening instead of the small get together I had wanted.

"Mom!" I said and she just gave my back a pat.

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