"Good morning," she said walking out.

"Any plans for this fine Tuesday?" I asked her.

"Ummm no I wait I have a text," she said pulling out her phone.

"Dave wants me over," she said smiling at her phone.

"Cool I can drop you off at the hotel of you want," I replied.

"That's be great actually," she replied.

"You might not want to look like you had sex last night though," I joked pointing to her hair.


I was confused at what he said. I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Wow I looked like a mess, my hair thrown everywhere, my make up smeared, and I had hickeys on my neck.

"Randy you asshole!" I shouted.


"You gave me hickeys!"

He laughed and walked in. When he saw he started to laugh even harder, "well you kind of returned the favor," he said pulling off his shirt revealing scratch marks on his back.

"Oh sorry," I said kind of embarrassed. He put his shirt back on and grabbed my hand pulling me out into the living room.

"I made breakfast," he said pointing to two plates of eggs and bacon. Man like Randy, he can cook, he can hold his drinks, he's good in bed, amazing kisser, and has the body of a god.

"Randy I like you more and more every time I see you," I said in a friendly way.

"So when does Alanna come back?" I questioned.

"A week I miss her," he replied.

"Me too she is the cutest thing ever, I hope to have 10 just liked her," I said just admiring her.

"10?" he said arching his eyebrow.

"Maybe not 10 more like two or three."

"Okay I was gonna say," he said causing me to giggle.

We finished our good and Dave sent me a text.

DAVE- Room 264 just knock

ME- okay see you in like 30

DAVE- Can't wait to see you

ME-Same can't wait to see my hot boyfriend.

DAVE- Can't wait to see my sexy girlfriend

ME- Your cute

DAVE- Your cuter

ME- Babe!

DAVE- I can't help that I have the best woman in the world!

Me- Thanks I'll see you in a bit gotta get ready. Gotta look good for my man.

DAVE- By babe but you look great in anything. And I'm sure nothing ;)

I stopped there before it went any further. He's so cute and such a flirt. I went back into the bedroom after volunteering to do the dishes.

I took a quick shower and put on a red mini dress with red pumps. I applied some make up making sure not to looked caked. When I was done I straightened and curled my brown hair. I looked in the mirror and smiled at my appearance. I definitely had a huge make over from what I looked like this morning.

"Randy how far are we?" I called out.

"Two minutes," he shouted. I walked out of the bedroom and sat on the couch with Randy.

"You look gorgeous," he said coming closer to me.

"Thanks," I said a little uneasy.

"No really you look beautiful," he moved a strand of hair out of my face and looked into my eyes. I looked back into his and there it was again that undeniable tension. He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back and the kissed turned so passionate. The bus stopped and I pulled out. "I gotta go," I said getting up as quickly as possible. He was about to say something but I closed the door. God why why me? Why does Randy and Dave both have to be so perfect. Okay I decided. I'm dating Dave. Dave is my all and if it doesn't work out then I can see Randy. But for now no more fooling around with Randy no matter how gorgeous he was.

I started walking towards Dave's room. No more Randy huh?

No more gorgeous blue eyes.

No more sexy muscles.

No more manly voice.

No more.... the door opened and revealed Dave.

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