Chapter 32

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"So how was breakfast with Minnie?" I asked my boyfriend as I put my pajamas on.
"Fine yeah, good to catch up with her haven't seen her in like years."
"That's cool I guess."
"Yeah how was Becky?"
"She's like my new best friend haha I love her."
"Yeah she's nice and she really cares about you through all the joking and teasing you guys do."
"I know it's just a brother sister thing," he laughed.
I understood it I mean I have two sisters at home and just wait til he meets them.
"Randy have you met my sisters?"
"Nope just your mom and dad."
"You should be happy." he laughed and got into the bed with me. I turned to kiss my boyfriend but got interrupted by his phone buzzing. I sighed guess I'll be going two weeks without kissing him.
"Who's that?" I asked.
"Minnie she wants to come over and watch a movie you mind?"
"No," I sighed.
"What's wrong."
"Randy it's only been like two days and I already miss you I haven't seen you all day and you wanna spend time with her. "
"Okay sorry Ash I just haven't seen her in a while."
"Fine let her come over I'm gonna go to bed."
"Whatever," he spat and barged out of the room. I don't know if I'm being clingy but I'm sure any girl would hate to be in the situation I'm in.
I opened up my phone and checked it. A text from Dave of course.
How's your vacation it read.
I replied with good how are you??
Then I check my messages and saw I had one from Matt too.
Then I heard the front door open. I groaned into my pillow then I heard noises downstairs. Then I made out their voices. Minnie was here of course the boyfriend hogger. I just hope she doesn't try anything because I will punch a bitch if I have to.
I just shut my eyes and tried to ignore it. All night they were so loud. I wanted to go downstairs and tell them to shut up but I didn't want to embarrass him. But then there was the side of me that thought maybe they were doing something naughty down their. I don't know this girl very well so I have my suspicions.
A couple hours later and I was still awake. A million scenarios playing in my mind of what could possibly be going on down there. I heard the front door shut and footsteps coming up the stairs. Randy came into the room and got in bed next to me. He put his arms around me but I scooted away. He growled but I just kept quiet I was so pissed.
I woke up and saw Randy was sleeping. Guess the witch decided to not give him a morning wake up call. I smiled I can't believe I was so jealous. I smelled the aroma of pancakes.
I got out of bed and walked downstairs. Around the corner I could see Bob in the kitchen making something on the stove. "Hope you like pancakes," he said. I didn't even know he noticed me.
"Love em."
"Well then you're gonna die for these."
"Well see need help?" I asked.
"Be a dear and set the table."
I grabbed some place settings and silver wear. I started setting the table and he started to hum. I recognized the tune and started humming along.
"You know Ash I'm liking you more and more every day, you know country? "He asked.
"Love it."
"Then you'll fit in just alright."
I smiled at his father's kind heart.
"You know me and my dad used to love watching you wrestle on tv," I said.
"Well I guess one day your daddy's gonna meet his idol." I giggled and finished the table. Bob put a plate in the middle with a stack of pancakes.
Nate came running down the stairs saying, "I smell pancakes," I laughed at his childlike behavior.
"You'll get used to it, been doing it since he was six," Bob joked.
Before I new it the whole family was downstairs. I sat on the couch waiting to start eating. There was a knock on the door and of course who is it? Minnie the witch herself. "Morning guys, good morning Randy," she said and pulled him into a hug. I growled under my breath.Like seriously ever since we got here she's been sticking to a Randy like a post it note and it's really getting annoying. I don't even get to say goodnight or cuddle anymore.
We ate our food and of course Minnie took my spot so I was in between Nate and Becky. She nudged me 'does she know you're dating'she mouthed. I nodded my head and she shook hers. "I'll take care of it," she whispered. I stated silent because I was afraid the family would think poorly of me for sharing secrets with Becky.
We finished our food and I helped wash up the dishes with Elaine. I was silently drying them off. "Hun obviously this is bothering you, you should tell him."
I was shocked was my jealousy that obvious.
"Yes Ashley I can tell that Minnie being here is bugging you and honestly it would bug me too," she added.
"I know I just don't want him to get mad at me for being jealous or make him feel like I'm distancing him from you guys," I replied.
"Well it's either you tell him or Becky will you know."
"I guess," I replied and dried my hands off.
"I love Minnie to death but she's not his girlfriend you are so she shouldn't be all over him the way she is."
"I guess I'll go tell him right now."
"Just remember, Ortons have a temper," she called out.

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