Chapter 35

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"So where are we going?" I asked. He put his hand on my thigh. Moving quickly are we.
"Well I guess we could hang at the bar at the hotel."
"Sounds good," I replied. I leaned my head on the car window and just listened to the music.
I felt myself starting to drift off. The music started to fade out.
"Ash?" I heard Christian say. I opened my eyes. What the hell. Where am I? I looked down and I was on a bed.
"Chris what is this?" I asked.
"Well you fell asleep in the car so I carried you up to my room. You were in no state to stay by yourself."
"Oh well thanks."
"Yeah and don't worry I took the couch nothing happened last night just sleep."
I chuckled a bit. That was the least of my worries right now. I sat up and my hand landed on my phone.
I unlocked it. I had a missed call from Randy and several calls and texts asking where I was from Dave.
I rang Dave. He answered on the sixth ring.
"Hey Dave."
"Ash where are you I've been going crazy."
"I'm fine I slept over at a friends."
"Ummm Christian but I'm fine."
"He didn't try anything right?"
"No Dave he's nice just relax I'll be over in a bit."
"Okay I'll be waiting."
"Bye. "
I hung up and grinned. I see Dave as more of a best friend now. I know I can trust him with anything. Our bond is like Brooke and Roman.(Check out my other book to get the reference ;))
I looked across the room to see Christian with a smirk. "What?" I asked.
"You think I'm nice," he chuckled.
I covered my face with a pillow and fell back on the bed. I felt him come next to me and extract the pillow from my hands.
"A beautiful face like yours should never be covered," he said. I blushed big time.
"Well look at you and your smooth pick up lines," I giggled.
"Worked didn't it?"
I smiled and looked into his beautiful brown eyes. He leaned in and the next thing I knew our lips were together. They moved in sync like they were made for each other. Maybe I was wrong maybe Randy isn't the one?
I pulled out and smiled. "I should probably go Dave is freaking out."
"Yeah I'll see you later?"
"Yeah I'm sure we could set something up," I replied.
"Yeah maybe a coffee after the taping or something."
"Alright well I'll see you later," I replied and gave him a hug. I grabbed my phone and hurried up to my hotel room. When I opened the door Dave was sitting on the couch staring at me.
"What the hell Ash. You mysteriously leave the arena and don't answer my calls and when you do you tell me you slept over at Christian's," he said angrily.
"Dave stop it's not like anything happened."
"How do I know that? How do I know you didn't have some rebound sex over there?"
"Dave seriously my boyfriend just cheated on me and you want to yell at me like this."
My eyes started to get watery. I can't believe he's treating me like this.
"Ok ok I'm sorry," he said putting his hands up. He stood up and walked over to me. I practically jumped at him. He wrapped his arms around me.
He then picked me up bridal style. "Dave what are you doing?" I giggled.
"I am going to lay you on the bed..."
"Woah woah stop there buddy," I said and put my finger up to his lips.
"You didn't let me finish. I was gonna say then you are going to vent and I am going to be a good friend and pretend to listen until you feel better."
I laughed and playfully hit his chest.
He laid me down and laid next to me. I ranted and ranted about all my problems. I could tell some of it was going in one ear and out the other at times.
"You know what. I don't think even Randy would've listened to me this long. You're a true friend," I said and grabbed his hand.
He rubbed my palm with his thumb. "It'd be an honor to be your best friend."
"Same your my bestie now. And that means you can take me shopping, and out to lunch, and we can have sleepovers, and share all our secrets," I said in the girlies voice possible.
He laughed so hard he fell off the bed.
"Alrighty now kid get dressed so we can head to the arena," he said.
I showered and got dressed rather quickly. Dave was already waiting by the door we sped off to the arena making it just on time. I looked at the matches today and it turns out I have one against Melina today. Can't wait to get my hands on that man.
I hurried off to the locker room to get my gear on. After that I practically sprinted off to hair and make up. The stylist curled my hair and made me all glamorous. I loved the look. I walked over to the screening room where Christian would most likely be.
Of course like usual I was right. He saw me and smiled. I sat down on the couch next to him. "Well someone's dolled up," he said and lifted one of my curls.
"Yup gotta look my best for all the male fans you know."
He smiled, "match tonight?"
"Yah I have Melina."
"Cool nothing for me tonight though just get to sit back and watch."
"Well you know this title isn't going to defend itself."
"Mickie is still pissed so Id watch out."
"Oh you don't think I could take Mickie again?"
"She's tight with some of the divas so you never know."
I smirked. "Fine I guess you don't believe in me. I'm just gonna go."
"Oh Ash don't be like that," he laughed and grabbed my hand as I got up.
"Nope stop Christian I see how it is," I fake shunned him.
I started running away. I made it past the crew. I looked behind me and he was chasing me with a smirk on his face. A couple twists and turns and I found a supply closet. I quickly jumped in their. I heard loud footsteps making their way towards me. I could see Christian through the little window on the door.
He obviously was clueless as to where I was. I let out a giggle. He turned towards the door and opened it. I yelped as he laughed. I fake pouted and turned away from him. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me. I turned around. "You're so hot when you're pretending to be mad," he said and kissed me. I kissed back and it turned into a full make out session. He was so much fun.

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