Chapter 65

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Ashley the love of my life. The car sped off. Listening to the tires screeching I ran to my soulmate covered in her own blood. The car hit her so hard.
"Help me!" I yelled in tears. She couldn't even open her eyes. I was breaking down.
I saw Dave walking from his car.
"Dave help me," I yelled. His attention turned towards me and he went into a full sprint.
"What happened?"
"Call the police she's hurt," I grabbed her hand and held onto it for dear life.
"Hey ummm my best friend she got hit by a car she needs help hurry outside the arena on 5th hurry she's bleeding a lot."
He hung up and kneeled beside me.
Her eyes slowly opened.
"Randy," she croaked as a smile formed on the corners of her lips. They need to hurry or else my life is over. I need her.
"Hang in there baby... I can't lose you... you are my world a life without you is unbearable... hang in there I love you," I sobbed letting tears fall onto her shirt.
Her smile faded and her eyes started to glaze over.
"NO NO NO!" I yelled.
"Randy calm down they're here," Dave said who was in tears as well. A crowd started to form. The twins ran over and were talking but I couldn't hear anything I was too focused.
"Hurry she's leaving," I yelled at the paramedics.
"Sir we are doing our best," one of then replied. A few minutes later they were putting her in the ambulance. I hopped in. She was strapped in securely with cords attached to her. It was killing me. She needed the oxygen mask just to breath. Thank god she's still alive. If the machine goes blank I don't know what I'll do. I'll join her and let Alanna live with my parents. It may sound selfish but she is my world.
We arrived at the hospital and they rushed her into the emergency room. I couldn't help but shed a few tears.
"We're gonna have to take her into surgery," one of the doctors said.
A nurse walked up to me and said, "sir we are going to bring you into the waiting room if you need anything just call and one of them will help you," she said pointing to some ladies in scrubs.
"Is she gonna be okay?"
"Her condition is critical but we are trying our best to keep your wife in this world," she replied.
Hmmm my wife. That stuck in my head. My wife who may never get to become my wife. God why did this have to happen. Things were just starting to lighten up. Life was gonna go good.
I couldn't bare it any longer. Then room was so quiet. I couldn't just sit here while she's in there getting surgery. The door opened revealing the Bella's and Dave.
"Great I'm not all alone now," I sighed in relief.
"How is she?" Dave asked.
"I have no idea she's in surgery right now."
A doctor walked up to me with a clip board.
"Sir can you please take a seat and I will explain the situations to you. "
Oh no she didn't make it. Did she! I sat down and teared up a bit. I was surprised because with all the crying I've been doing I didn't think I'd have any water left in my body.
"Mr.Orton your fiancé lost a lot of blood and suffered a lot of trauma. Your fiancé is alive but in a coma. I'm sorry Mr. Orton. You and your friends are welcome to come visit her. "
I smiled she's alive. But it's gonna kill me to not hear her voice. She better wake up soon. The four of us followed him through a series of hallways until we reached her room. It was cold and a curtain covered my view of her. They let me go in first.
She was pale, very pale but breathing thank god. She had bruises from head to toe and stitches here and there.
"She'll heal in no time Mr.Orton she's a tough one you've got yourself a keeper,"
he said.
"Oh Ashley," Nikki cried onto Brie's shoulder.
"Who could've done this?" Brie croaked.
"It happened so fast. All I did was answer my phone. If I just ignored it it could've been me in the bed or neither of us if we were careful. "
"It's not your fault," Nikki replied wiping a tear.
Is it?

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