Chapter 50

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Trish had a huge smirk on her face as she walked down the ramp. I noticed she had a microphone. I looked at Randy and he looked just as confused as everyone else.
"Hey Ash... bet you thought you got rid of me," she smirked evily.
I couldn't focus on my match. Natalya gave me a nasty clothesline and i literally flipped over. I held my back in pain.
I saw Trish skip out of the ring over towards Randy. He stood up and backed away. "What's the matter Randy Trish never hurt anyone?" JBL scoffed.
"Yeah bet you thought I was gone but once I have my eyes set on something I never lose sight of it," she said placing her hand on his peck. I was fuming.
I started running out of the ring only for Natalya to catch me. She spun and kicked me straight in the face.
I fell straight to the ground. "Hey over here Ash," she said. I looked over just in time to see her grab Randy by the collar of his shirt and smash her lips to his. Randy immediately pulled out and pushed her away a bit.
I started running at her but Natalya tripped me. I totally forgot I was in a match. She grabbed my leg and put me into the sharpshooter. It hurt so bad. Randy ran up to the apron.
"Come on baby grab the ropes I know you can do it," he cheered me on. I reached out for him in pain.
"Come on Ash," he kept on.
I managed to grab the bottom rope making her release. It still hurt so bad.
I slowly picked myself up with the ropes. I don't think I can go on any longer. I turned around and was met with a fist to the face. And all I saw was stars.
............. 10 hours later
I slowly opened my eyes. Woah why is the arena so bright. My vision cleared and I saw a white ceiling and lights. I looked down and I was in a hospital bed. I started freaking out.
"Ashley you're awake," Alanna said.
She stood up on a chair so I could see her. "Oh hey little one what happened?"
"Let me get daddy," she said jumping off the stool. She stepped out of the room for a minute.
She came back with Randy and he had a huge smile on his face. "Hello gorgeous how you feeling?" He asked.
"Dizzy kinda what happened?"
"Well you kinda uhhh got knocked out."
"Did I win?" I asked.
"Ummm no," he said shyly.
I felt tears start to well up. My championship is gone.
"It's alright babe no belt is worth your health," he said pulling his chair over to me.
"I know it just sucks. And I don't even know what Trish was doing out there and why she kissed you," I fumed.
"It's fine babe I promise I'll go tell the nurse you're awake,"he said walking out.
"Well Alanna looks like you're not the power baby anymore hun," I said rubbing her head.
"It's alright Mommy, I mean Ashley," she said correcting herself.
"Alanna," I giggled.
"Sorry it's just I think of you like mommy," she admitted.
"Don't worry baby I already see you as my daughter," I smiled. This was such a beautiful moment.
She smiled and grabbed my hand. "But you're gonna have to ask your dad before you start calling me mommy," I explained since it was the only way I truly could allow it.
Randy walked in with a nurse. "Okay Hun let me just check you out and then you will most likely be out if here," she said.
I smiled and nodded. I looked over and saw Alanna whispering something in her father's ear.
The lady finished my tests and I was all set. I saw Randy nod and smile.
"Mommy,"she cheered running up to me. I sat up in my bed and hugged her back. She sat up on the bed next to me.
"Looks like we are our own family now," I said motioning for Randy to come. Once he did we all had our first family group hug.
"Ouch," Alanna yelped.
"What's wrong? "I asked confused.
"What's on your hand you scratched me," she said.
I put out my hand and looked at it. I guess it was my ring. "What's that mommy?" She asked.
"It's my engagement ring. "
"What's that?"
"Well Alanna me and Ashley are getting married," Randy said. She smiled and screamed at the top of her lungs.
"Alanna I think you just broke my ears," I laughed.
"I call being the flower girl," she said raising her hand.
"Alanna you can be whatever you wanna be," Randy replied. I love my family.

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