Chapter 68

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We all rushed inside the hospital. I couldn't wait to see her again. I rushed to the front desk. "I need to see my fiancé Ashley Montgomery."
"Okay room 314 on the third floor sir," she said. I thanked her and we all hurried into the elevator. Once we got to the third floor we went on a goose chase looking for 314. I turned the hall and there it was. The door separating me from the woman of my dreams. "Guys let's give him some time," Dave said to the twins. I have Alanna to them and took a deep breath. "Good luck daddy," she said.
I knocked on the door and a nurse greeted me in. I looked in the room and there she was on the bed. Staring oddly at the ring on her finger I has given to her. "Ashley," I sighed.
She looked over at me and said ," hello," in a weird tone. Almost aggressive.
"Mr.Orton may I talk to you outside the room please?" The nurse asked.
I looked over at Ashley who just raised her eyebrows at me. "Yeah sure." We both quietly walked out of the room.
"Okay so I have good news and I has bad new. "
"Let's hear the good news first I guess."
"Okay so you have your fiancé back but she's not exactly the Ashley you know. "
"What do you mean?"
"She lost her memory of current affairs. We asked her questions and she seems to believe she's a week into her WWE career and she told us that you are so mean to her and she just met these nice twins named the Bella."
"So she doesn't remember the last year and a half?" I asked placing my hands on my head.
"No I'm sorry sir," she apologized.
"Can I just go talk to her?"
"Yes and we'd like to say two visitors in the room at a time so she doesn't get overwhelmed."
"And don't try pushing the memories back into her because it's not gonna work and she'll only get frustrated. "
"Alright," I said sadly.
"Good luck Mr.Orton just press the help button if you need anything."
I nodded as a tear fell down my cheek. She doesn't remember anything. She probably doesn't even know who she's engaged to. And now we are back to day one where she thinks I hate her. Why did I have to be such a jerk when we met?
I sighed and opened the door again. "What's up sour puss," she spat.
I chuckled, "here we go again."
"All I was doing was playing with your daughter."
"I know and I appreciate it. How are you feeling?"
"Sore. So what happens you pushed me in front of a car or what?"
"Well actually we went to the car to get something for you and you went back into the arena but a car hit you before you could make it."
"Who was driving?"
"I don't know all that matters is that you're okay."
"Oh look Mr.Orton might actually care about someone other than himself."
"Ashley you are my world," I said scooting my chair closer to her. I went to grab her hand but she pulled it away.
"What the hell Orton what's your deal?"
"You know that ring on your finger?"
"Yeah. "
"What do you think it's for?"
"I don't know I mean yesterday I was out partying with Dave right? Wait did me and Dave get married?" She asked horrified.
"No but you are engaged."
"No way what did you do get me drunk a rape drug or what," she laughed.
"Okay I need to tell you something but you just gotta trust me on this."
"Go ahead."
"Okay so me and you are engaged and you live with me and Alanna. You were divas champion. We've been together for almost two years now. We got past all the stuff about me being rude because you know I thought you we really hot. You helped me get Alanna back from when her mom kidnapped her."
"wait what happened to me and Dave?"
"You two just didn't mesh and that kinda how we got together," I said deciding to not tell her about all the cheating that went on.
"Okay Orton can I tell you something now?"
"Sure anything Ashley I love you. "
"Randy I can't say that because I don't have anything to hold behind the I love you. All I have is you going off on me all the time. But if what you're saying is the truth then maybe we can work it out. "
"Okay I understand. "
"Did you bring anyone else?" She asked.
"Yeah let me go get Alanna real quick. "
He closed the door and seconds later came back in with a little blonde girl. "Mommy," she said jumping onto me. I hugged the about 5 year old girl.
"Alanna?" I questioned.
"Yes it's me mommy."
"Mommy?" I asked.
"We have full custody of her so a while ago she decided for you to take over the mommy role. "
I nodded. I can't remember any of this. It's like an impenetrable wall. Randy told me all this stuff and I feel so far behind. I mean how could we be in love he's such an ass. But he's so hot and really nice when it's not about Alanna.
"You're so much bigger than I remember," I said.
"Ashley you saw me last week," I looked at her and smiled not know what to say. I looked at Randy confused.
"Alright kiddo let's let Ashley see the girls," Randy said. Alanna trotted out the room giggling.
"I know it's gonna be tough rode back but we are going to get your memory back. I'll just cancel all the wedding plans right now. Just try to remember. I'll let the twins come in right now."

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