Chapter 17

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"What's going on?" he growled.

"Babe what are you talking about?"

"I saw the texts from earlier wanna explain."

"Dave what texts?" I played dumb. He came closer and I could see the anger in his eyes.

"D-Dave are you okay?"

"Tell me what the hell is going on with you and Orton!" he yelled.

"What?" I lied.

"Don't give me that I saw the texts how about this one 'Your gonna miss these lips' or 'Dave doesn't have to know'" he said pulling up texts from my phone.

"Dave stop it's not like that!"

"Don't lie to me Ashley how many times?" he yelled throwing my phone on the floor.

"Baby it was only once," I replied.

"You slut how could you!" he said raising his hand.

"Dave don't!" I yelled.

"I can't believe you would cheat on me your such a bitch!" he said and I felt the contact. He slapped me right across the face causing me to fall on the floor. I put my hand on my cheek in shock and I immediately felt tears falling.

"Ash I-I,"

"You what you didn't mean to?" I yelled.

"Ashley I'm sorry it's just,"

"I knew I should've listened to Randy!" I screamed.

"I didn't mean too I'm sorry,"

I couldn't even speak anymore I looked at my hand and saw some blood. I immediately ran into the bathroom to check myself. My cheek was red and a little swollen and my lip was bleeding.

Dave ran in, "Oh my god let me help you!"

"Go away!" I screamed.

"Ashley stop."

"Just go away I don't want to see you,"

I ran into the bedroom and picked up all my stuff.

"Don't do this Ash!"

"Go fuck yourself," I said slamming the door behind me. I ran down the hallways crying, tears falling to the ground. I know what I did was wrong but I didn't expect that to be his reaction.

I decided to call Nikki and she invited me to her room. I got to her room and knocked on the door. It opened revealing Nikki who looked very worried, "Ash what happened?"

"He he hit me," I choked.

"He what?!?" she yelled.

"Brie get over here!" She yelled.

"He saw some texts Randy sent me and he slapped me," I cried.

Brie ran in and gasped when she saw me. "Ashley come here let's get you cleaned up," she said pulling me into the bathroom. Nikki went and grabbed me some ice while Brie worked on my lip.

"So what exactly happened," Brie asked patting my lip with a tissue.

"Well I was getting dressed and he was like so what's going on and I guess he saw some of the texts Randy had sent me and he knew that something had happened and he slapped me and here I am. I picked up my shit and left."

"Ashley why would you even do that?" Nikki asked.

"I don't know we just got caught up in the moment and it just happened and he would kiss me when Dave wasn't there but I kept trying to stop it but he wouldn't quit."

"Ashley I don't know what made you think to even get back with Dave in the first place," Brie said frustrated.

"I thought we could make it work and I couldn't not give him another chance," I replied.

"And there you went doing the exact same thing to him Ashley I'm sorry but what you did was wrong and we warned you so I don't know what you want me to say," Nikki said leaving the room.

"Yeah Ash I don't know what you were thinking messing with Orton," Brie added.

"You guys are supposed to be my friends. I need you here for me and you guys just shun me instead!" I yelled getting up.

They both growled and gave me a cold stare. "You know what I don't need you guys, there's plenty of places I can stay!" I yelled slamming the door behind me.

I started to cry again. There was only one person that I could think of that could comfort me right now. I called up Randy, "Ash?" he asked.

"R-randy" I choked out with new tears starting to stream out.

"Ash what's wrong why are you crying?"

"I I need somewhere to stay," I replied.

"Alright meet me in the lobby in 10," he said.

We both said our good byes and I strolled down to the lobby. I couldn't stop crying it was just am uncontrollable sob.

About 15 minutes passed and I was still crying. I just sat there with my head on my knees sobbing. I felt two arms pick me up. I didn't even check who it was but I felt lips press against my forehead and then I knew who it was. I looked up and saw Randy looking down at me. I nuzzled me head into his chest and soaked his t-shirt in tears.

He placed me down on the bed and laid down next to me. I slowly felt the tears start to withdrawal. Randy was laying next to me and I cuddled up to him. I placed my head on his chest and started shuddering. He put his arms around me and it calmed me down a lot. After awhile the tears were no more and my breathing was relaxed.

"It's alright Ash I'm here your okay now," he cooed soothing me.

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