Chapter 58

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So today Ashley went out to go dress shopping with the girls so I decided to make today the day I asked Nathan to be my best man.
I grabbed my phone and called him. "Hey Nathan. "
"Aye Randy what's up bro?"
"Hey uh can we meet somewhere?"
"Why what happened?"
"Nothing just make sure you're home in an hour," I added.
"Alright," he said and hung up. I got dressed real quick and headed off to my parents home.
Once I got there about an hour passed by. I knocked on the door and was greeted by my mom and Alanna. "Hey baby girl," I said and picked her up.
"Daddy I missed you," she replied and placed her head on my shoulder.
"Ugh I love you so much," I said rubbing her back.
"I love you too daddy. "
"So what brings you here?" My mom asks.
"Oh I have to talk to Nathan."
"Your not in trouble are you?" She asked.
I chuckled," no mom it's a surprise though."
"Oh ok. "
Seconds later the door opened revealing my brother. "Hey big bro haven't seen you in a while," he said.
"I know missed you man," I replied hugging him.
"So what's up?"
"Well Nathan I have to ask you something."
"I want you to be my best man at our wedding," I said.
"Woah man I'd love to thanks," he smiled widely.
"Great," I said as the moment got a bit awkward.
"Sooo we are gonna have to go tuxedo shopping soon," I added.
"Alright I'll hit you up," he replied.
"Ok I gotta head back to pick up Ash she went dress shopping today," I said and rolled my eyes.
"Oh Ashley how's she?" My mom asked.
"Never better mom," I replied.
"I'm so excited for you to get married," she said and pulled me into a hug.
"My boy is growing up too fast," she added and pulled out.
"Yup I'm 25 now," I chuckled.
"And I remember when you were just a baby. "
"Ok bye mom," I said and gave her one last hug.
"Bye Alanna man am I gonna miss you," I said sadly.
"Daddy can I go with you?" She asked and used her puppy dog eyes.
"Alanna," I whined.
"Please daddy," she said and puckered her lip.
"Fine grab your bags," I said and laughed.
She ran upstairs to get her thing. "You know Randy she has you wrapped around her finger," my mom giggled.
"Her and Ashley," I said.
"Better off that way. "
"Yup. "
"So when are we going to have a baby Alanna?" She asked.
"Well we aren't really looking for another Alanna right now. "
"But you guys are getting older everyday. "
"We are also working everyday I mean you see Alanna spends a third of the month with you guys. Just imagine a newborn."
"Okay but she's already 25 and she hasn't even had her first yet."
"She's still got a few more years mom," I chuckled.
"So Randy soon those few more years are going to become a few more days if you keep waiting. "
"Mom what are we gonna do. Take the newborn on the plane with us drive around in rentals and bring it to a hotel every week hoping to find a sitter while we are working," I laughed.
Alanna came down with her little suitcase. "Ready to go daddy," she said and hopped off the stairs. I grabbed her suitcase with one arm and her with the other.
"Alright bye mom," I said and waved as we made our way out.

Victim Of The Viper's Love(on hold)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant