Chapter 5

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I heard my theme music play and I ran out onto the stage and did a backflip down the ramp. I slid into the ring and did a pose on the second turnbuckle.

I then heard Eve's music and I was pumped up. She walked in doing her normal routine and the bell went off signaling the beginning of the match.

We both locked up and I slammed her into the

mat. She got up quickly and I clotheslined her. She got back up and tripped me. I could see her blowing kisses to the crowd. I got back up and slammed her backwards into the mat.

I decided why not make my first match a good one. I got on the top turnbuckle and performed a moon salut. Eve moaned in pain. I sat her up and drop kicked her and she immediately fell back. I went for the pin and got a two count. She's tougher than she looks. We were both standing up and we started getting into a fist fight that ended with a nasty right hand from me. She turned around holding her nose and I got her into a cradle and won the match with a three count.

"And here is your winner Ashley!" Lillian said over the microphone. I jumped up in excitement and ran around the ring slapping fans hands. They all liked me or at least I think they did. I ran back up the stage this time doing a front flip and the crowd roared. I was ecstatic.

I ran backstage to see Alanna and Randy waiting for me. Alanna jumped into my arms "Ashley your sweaty." she said and I laughed.

"Congrats on winning your first match," Randy said.

"Thanks," I replied.

"Well Alanna wanted us to wait for you so she could tell you good job." Randy said.

"Oh did you really well thank you" I said looking at Alanna and tickling her. Her laugh was so cute. I set her down and they both left.

I saw Ric coming over to me and I sighed at the huge smile he had playing across his face.

"Hey Ashley." he yelled.




"So it's official we want you to become part of evolution. You obviously have talent and you have looks so we want you. What do you say."

"I say yes Thank You."

"Alright we will debut you as a part of our group on Monday after your match."

"I have a match?" I asked questionably.

"After a win like that you are almost guaranteed a match."

"Awsome" I said giving Ric a hug. I saw Dave and Hunter walking over and they joined us.

"Did you ask her?" Hunter asked.

"Yup and she said yes." Ric replied. They all smiled at me and told me about how good I did and how I could easily become a contender for the championship. "So wanna celebrate tonight?" Hunter asked us. We all nodded and I said, "what about Randy?" They all shrugged, "He's an awsome guy to party with when he can find a babysitter." Ric replied.

"I'll go see." I said walking away heading for Randy's lockeroom. I finally got there and I knocked on the door.

"Can I help you." he said in an annoyed voice.

"Well someone's grumpy." I replied.

"Yeah whatever what do you want."

"Well all the guys want to go party and we were wondering if you can come."

"Yeah yeah I'll be there I'll just leave Alanna with John and Maria."

"Okay great see you at the hotel."

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