Chapter 24

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We notified the detective about our call with Kim and how she took Alanna to San Diego, California. We were currently in Evolution's lockeroom getting ready for our match. An intergender with Randy and I as a part of a storyline and Gale and Chris Jericho.

"I got our tickets right here," Randy said showing me an envelope.

"San Diego at 11," he added. I can't wait for the show to be over so we can head to San Diego and start our search for Alanna.

"How you two holding up?" Dave asked. Our relationship has gotten better within the last few days. I guess he just has sympathy for me. Idk.

"We're fine right now just can't wait to get on the plane," I said.

"Whatever you need I'm here," he added. I nodded and looked at him on admiration. 'I love you' he mouthed. I looked away and pretended that I hadn't seen it.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked Randy.

"I just want my baby girl in my arms one more time."

"Just give it time I promise you we will find her and if we don't the police will."

"I know I know," he replied and looked at the floor. I lifted his chin and kissed his lips. His frown slowly crept away. I repeated my action except this time he kissed back. He pulled out and went back in for more. We ended up making out until we were interrupted by Hunter clearing his throat.

"Look guys I just got news from Vince."

"And that is?"

"We are going forward with the story line. Orton you're gonna become too powerful for the group and in two weeks you are going to have a championship match. You of course are going to win and we are gonna kick you out of evolution and you're going to become a singles competitor."

"That's great," I cheered and put my arms around his neck.

"Good news," he mumbled.

"The storyline starts tonight you have a segment to declare your match against Chris Benoit."


Hunter left to go be with Stephanie probably.

"I'm gonna get dressed for tonight," I said and got up.

He shrugged and I grabbed my duffle bag and walked into the bathroom. I put my black and gold gear on and checked myself in the mirror. I ran to make up and hair and Sheila curled my hair and applied some makeup making me look almost irresistible.

I smiled and ran back into the lockeroom.

"Pink?" I blurted looking at Randy's speedo.

"It's salmon," he laughed.

"Shows off your tan" I replied.

"Oh does it?"

"Yup my babe looks hot," I added pulling him into a hug. He hugged back and put his chin on my head.

"You're too tall," I muttered.

"Or you're too short."


"I love you."

"Love you too."

The door opened and I flinched. "Sorry to break up you two love birds but you're needed at gorilla right now," a stage hand said. We nodded and walked to gorilla hand in hand.

Gale and Chris walked out and I turned to Randy and looked into his beautiful blue orbs. I went on my tippy toes and placed a kiss on his cheek."For good luck."

"Ewwww cooties," he joked wiping his cheek.

"You know you love them."

"You know I love you," he said and our music started. We walked out hand in hand. We walked all the way and slid into the ring at the same time. We did out poses on the turnbuckle. I decided to start the match with Gale to switch things up a bit.

The bell rung and before I knew it it was all over. I blinked and realized the mess I had made. I guess I kinda took out all my anger about my personal situation on her. She was laying on the floor with a chair laying right beside her. 'Did I really take it that far' I thought to myself. "We are definitely seeing another side of Ashley tonight. She's definitely more aggressive. " I heard JBL say at the announce table.

"I'd be afraid to go home with that girl if I was Orton," King added. I looked down and noticed I had little spots of blood on my hands. Was it really that bad? The EMTs came over and put Gale on a stretcher while Chris was trying to see if she was alright. I turned to Randy and I couldn't tell if he was turned on or completely mortified.


"C'mon let's uhh go."

The referee came back in the ring and raised our arms in victory. We held hands as we walked back up the ramp and back into the lockeroom.

"You okay there kid?" Ric asked handing me a bottle of water.

"Yeah you know a girl's gotta let out little frustration once in a while."

"Yeah but I've never seen you like that you were unstoppable."

"I honestly don't even remember anything about the match all I remember is the bell ringing and us locking up."

"Well I loved it and I know Vince did. You two are gonna be more badass than Edge and Lita."

I laughed at the thought. Just imagine us two weeks from today, Randy and I walking down the ramp with our titles slung over our shoulders hand in hand, being the backstabbers of Evolution and the new powercouple of the WWE.

I got changed into some skinny jeans a white lace tank top and some white converse. I left my hair and makeup as is because i still looked pretty presentable.

"Ready to go?" I asked Randy.

"Wrestling is an escape," he mumbled.

"What?" I asked not quite sure what he meant.

"Wrestling is an escape from the real world where my daughter is missing and you and wrestling are the only things that can make me forget about it. "

My smile faded and I felt tears threatening.

"It'll be all alright now we gotta get on that plane."

He grabbed my hand and we walked out. It was drizzling of course just to top of this weird day. We got into the car and drove to the airport watching every little drop hit the windshield.

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