Chapter 14

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Nico was walking down the street, sitting on the floor, a few feet away from Will.

Will, who was chasing after an exasperated Lance.

And then poor Lance.

Nico actually felt bad for the poor guy.

Who am I kidding, Nico thought to himself.

I am the Ghost King.

The Ghost King does not care.

Will shouted for Nico's attention and waved his hands desperately, managing to get everyone in Will's twenty foot radius to notice the situation he was in.

But Will....

Nico grunted, then stood up.

Now Nico was chasing after Will.

Will, who was chasing after Lance.

And Lance, who was chasing after a rather excited Keith.

Nico couldn't blame Alix for wanting to stay out of this mess.

He couldn't blame Keith either.

It was the weekend, and Alix had suggested going to a nearby mall for fun.

The moment they got inside, the first thing Keith noticed was a small shop at a corner.

Nico still vaguely remembered what he had screamed.


Before proceeding the run towards the shop.

They spent pretty much one whole hour trying to stop Keith from reaching there.

And Nico had stayed out of it, because he had great self-control.

Also, the shop wasn't My Chemical Romance.

Or P!ATD, for that matter.


Never mind.

This time, Keith had successfully reached the shop, Lance following after him, dramatically dropping to his knees and wailing,"Keith, no!"

Will stopped in his tracks suddenly outside the shop and Nico stood beside him, watching as Keith stared at all the knives.

Nico was certain that Keith even drooled once or twice.

Will asked Lance,"What's up with him and knives?"

Lance looked defeated,"He likes knives."

Alix walked over and cringed at the sight of Keith.

"Eh." Alix shrugged it off, "I'm gonna pretend that those knives are all Lance."

Keith looked up, scowling,"You just ruined everything for me. Let's go."

Lance gasped,"How could you-"

"Look at all these queers!"

Nico groaned. It was Myrl. 


Myrl growled,"What the hell are you doing here? I didn't invite you here to smear your fairy dust on my walls."

Nico saw Alix sigh,"Come on, guys, we spent to much time here."

Once they were out of the mall, Alix apologized,"Sorry, my dear gaybies. I forgot that Myrl's 'spot' was beside the knife shop."

Nico's bubble burst,"Why does he have such a big problem with us?"

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