Chapter 11

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Lance was there when they killed the dragon.

Lance was there when they killed the scorpion.

Lance saw everything.

But he didn't want to approach Nico and Will.

He was scared that if he said anything, that they would be mad.

That they would shout at him and tell him that he was a busybody, and that he should not have been there in the first place.

Like when Shiro shouted at him.

That may not have been Shiro, but it still affected him.

So he went to the only person he knew he could trust not to do any of those things.

Keith didn't do any of those, but he didn't help either.

You must have saw wrong Lance, Keith had told him sternly, I didn't hear any "creak" sound. It was a "woof".

And Lance tried to tell him, but Keith just would not listen anymore.

This is ridiculous, Keith had pointed out, you probably just saw and heard wrong.

Discouraged, Lance decided to approach Nico and Will.

And it worked.

Except that he got a bucket full of information from them about Greek gods and who they were.


Lance had left a few minutes ago,  appearing to be satisfied with all the information Will had given him, with Nico adding in some things now and then.

As Lance left through the door, he could hear Nico say,"I think you broke him."

Will's voice rang out,"How?"

"You gave him too much to process."

"He's strong. He'll be fine."

Lance smiled to himself and opened the door to the room he shared with Keith.

When he entered, Keith immediately looked up,"Hey."

Lance forced a smile.

He sat in the chair, so that he could be face-to-face with Keith.

Keith's eyes were red, and his hair was messy.

"Where did you go?"

Lance thought for a while,"Nico and Will."

Keith nodded slowly and the room fell silent.

He could almost imagine his siblings singing at the top of their voices,"AWKWARD!"

Keith opened his mouth,"Look, I'm sorry for hurting you just now. I should not have said that you were lying or anything. I mean, we do fight too."

Lance looked at Keith,"That doesn't mean you have to say I'm stupid for thinking so!"

Keith teared up,"And I'm sorry for that, okay? It's just that I don't think that there would be monsters on Earth."

Lance's hand shook,"That's why I went to Nico and Will. They said that it was true, there were monsters, and some stuff about Greeks, and-"

He paused when Keith's eyes glazed over,"Keith?"

Keith blinked his eyes,"Sorry, I fell a little dizzy.... I should sleep."

Lance nodded and kissed Keith's forehead,"Night."


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