Chapter 13

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Will woke up, brushed his teeth, then brought Lance and Keith into his room.

Keith settled into a chair and waved,"Hey."

Will waved back, then shook Nico.

Nico had been rather tired from all the shadow-travelling, but after ten hours of sleep, his skin had started to regain its color and was more energetic.

Lance smiled at Will,"Thanks for healing Keith." 

"No problem, that's what I do, anyway."

Keith looked at Will,"Was there a reason for you to wake me up at six?'

Sighing, Will sat next to where Nico was sitting.

"I was just thinking, maybe we could talk?"

Nico added,"About monsters and stuff."

Will watched as Lance widened his eyes,"Oh, I forgot."

Nico nodded,"Keith, how much do you know about Greek mythology?"

The boy replied,"None."

Nico sighed,"Greek gods. Big Three, Zeus, Poseidon, Hades."

Will interrupted,"The sky, the sea, and the Underworld, respectively."

Shouldering on his jacket, Nico continued,"The Olympians, twelve of them. Hades not included."

Keith already looked lost. Oh well, too bad.

"Demeter, goddess of agriculture. Aphrodite, goddess of love. Apollo, god of the sun, medicine, music, prophecy-"

Will cringed,"Apollo's twin sister, Artemis, goddess of the moon, wild animals, and the Hunt, I think?"

The other boy quickly intervened,"Don't say that. Ares, god of war. Hephaestus, god of fire and building stuff-"

He snapped,"Don't say that!"

"Athena, goddess of wisdom, and useful crafts. Dionysus, god of wine, madness, and some other things related to wine-"

"Don't say that!"

"Hera, goddess of marriage, family, childbirth. And Hermes, god of travelling, messengers, and many other things."

"Don't say that! Now you have angered so many of them!"


Keith stared blankly at the two of them,"What do they have to do with monsters?"

Will said slowly,"Because, Keith, their siblings, their siblings' children, their parents-"

Lance patted Keith's back,"Take it easy. There's a lot to process."

Nico nodded,"So how do we come into the picture? When gods or goddess fall in love with a mortal."

Keith was rather unresponsive for a while.

Lance smiled weakly at him, and Keith finally managed to speak up,"So, which god?"

Will gestured at Nico,"Hades," then he gestured to himself. "and Apollo."

Keith nodded slowly, though Will had the feeling that his mind still needed time to process.

"How about Lance?"

Nico said,"Lance was a legacy of Aphrodite, and he has no special skills from her. But he can see through the Mist, which clouds mortals' vision from seeing monsters and other weird things."

Keith stared at Lance," Okay."

Lance looked at Nico,"What type of monsters are those?"

"Dunno, but definitely not the Greek kind. The monsters I usually face can only be killed by certain materials, and Keith's knife killed it, and so did Will's silver knife."

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