Chapter 2

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Knock. Knock.

Keith woke up, though not in his usual bed in the castle.

He rubbed his eyes, then remembered that Shiro had sent him to boarding school.

With Lance.

Jumping out of bed, he ran to door and opened it. Alix was standing there, arms crossed.

"Keith, time in space may be different, but Earth is Earth. Move it." Alix walked in a sank into one of the chairs.

Keith nodded his head and shook Lance awake. Lance yawned and sat up,"Good morning, Princess."

Keith felt heat rush up to the back of his ears, and swallowed. He mumbled,"What?"

Lance closed his eyes and chanted,"Not you. It's Blue. Not you. It's Blue. Not you-"

Keith placed his hand on Lance's lips and growled,"Alright, stop. School is starting. Geez, grow up Lance."

"What? Blue may be listening and looking after me right now!"

Climbing down the ladder, he saw Alix wink at the corner of her eye.


After eating a quick breakfast, Keith left Lance and Alix to check where their classes were. Keith and Lance had all of their classes together, and Keith did not want to get lost on the first day of school.

But even after walking about two rounds around the moderately big school, their class were no where to be seen. 

"Patience yields focus-"Keith tripped over a loose concrete chip on the floor and crashed into someone.

"Ugh, watch where you're going next time, Mullet."The guy rubbed his hand and stood up haughtily.

What's everyone's problem with his hair?

Keith glared at him and crawled to his feet, only to be knocked over to the floor again.

"Stand up, Mullet." He picked at him and kicked him with his sneaker. "Can't stand up, Stupid?"

Keith rolled backwards and came up standing, thanks to few months of training. 

"Back off!" He hissed. "I did nothing to you!"

The dude flipped his hair and winked at a passing girl, who swooned a little before waddling off.

"Nothing?" He turned his attention back to Keith. "You just offended me! Few minutes ago, I could have all the ladies here at my feet! Now thanks to you, I only make them stare at me for a while!"

Keith bit his lip and tried not to laugh,"Isn't that enough already?"


An image of Lance dug its way into Keith's mind. (I nearly typed his Lance >.< )

Keith could not help but admit that the mean guy standing in front of him was like an unhealthy, evil version of his team's Sharpshooter.

At least Lance knew how to control his ego.

Keith snarled," Go away and forget this ever happened-" He was shoved roughly against the wall.

"Physical abuse doesn't hurt you, eh? What if talked bad instead?" His voice deadly low, Keith hissed at him and tried fighting back, but to no avail. This guy was stronger than he expected.

"Your jacket is so dumb."

Does this guy even know how to properly insult someone-

"I bet all your friends and family all hate you."

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