Burning Secrets. Chapter Nineteen.

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Song: New Blood ~ Zayde Wølf

Chapter 19. Burning Secrets.

Two weeks later, 8:00p.m.

"Can we get a cat now?"

I grin and hang my apron in my locker, shutting it closed and locking it. "How about we compromise and get a small dog?"

Mason chuckles and grabs my hand. "That's not compromising. It can't be a dog or a cat."

I giggle. "I know that but.... what about a puppy?"

"Or a kitten?"

"What about a Bird?" I suggest.

"They crap everywhere."

I wrap my arm around his back as he slings his arm over my shoulder. "Okay.... a mouse?"

"A cat would kill a mouse. How about a fish?"

I grin, "We're not getting a cat, besides it would eat the fish too. But sure we can get a fish. We just got a new stock in the back. Also I think we need to get butter and some bread."

"Okay, let's grab the food and then the fish."


We quickly grab our groceries and head to the fish. We stand in front of all the tanks and watch all the colorful fish swim around. "Oooh!" I point to a really pretty black fish with various shades of purple and blue.

Mason snickers and looks down at me. "Do you want that one?"

"Only if you do."

He bends down and reads the sign. "Black Orchid Berta. Let's get two."


He nods, "We wouldn't want it to be lonely."

I smile and wrap my arm around his. "Okay! This is exciting, I've never had a pet before."

"You haven't?"

I shake my head, "Nope, my dad was going to get me a dog.... but then he had that heart attack."

He rubs my shoulders, "I'm sorry you lost him."

"It's okay, it was out of our control, besides it was awhile ago now." I walk over to the tanks and spot a cute round one. "What do you think of this tank?"

"I like the tank." He grabs it and places it in the cart. "Can we talk about Zachary?"

"My dad?"

He nods, "Yes your dad."

"Okay... well, he was awesome. He owned the best bakery downtown, I would bike there everyday after school and help him make everything."

"That sounds like it would have been a lot of fun."

"Yeah it was. He was never in the military but he always wished he would have joined when he was younger."

"How come he didn't join in general, even as you got older?"

I grab a few little accessories for the fish tank along with food. "Well, He was thinking about it but he didn't want to leave my mom or me. Mom always told him to go join, but he just couldn't leave us, and then when I turned thirteen my mom was pregnant, but she had a miscarriage, and a month later my dad passed, and she struggled so much and kinda just lost it. That's why she is the way she is today."

"Jordyn, how come you never told me any of this?"

I shrug, " I don't know."

I spot one of the new employees, Bryan. I smile, "Hey Bryan."

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