Black Figures. Chapter Fifteen.

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Song: Deep Water ~ American Authors

Chapter Fifteen. Black Figures.

I press the palms of my hands against my head, the world is spinning. I stumble, the man places his hands on my shoulders, "Are you alright?"

"I was just hit by a car...." I murmur and hunch over, holding my stomach. I wipe my bloody nose with my hand.

"I'm sorry." He apologizes. "You just ran right in front of me."

I shake my head and limp over to the sidewalk. "You came out of no where." I tell him and walk away.

"Wait, can I drive you to the hospital?"


I feel his hand clasp around my wrist. "You could have a concussion and a few broken ribs. Just let me drive you to the hospital."

"No, no, I just gotta get outta here." I trip over my own foot and fall to the concrete. I go to pick myself up but my arms wobble underneath me and give out.

He grabs my arms and pulls me up, laying me in the backseat. He climbs into the drivers seat and starts driving. "I don't need the hospital."

His dark eyes watch me in the rear view mirror. "Say, you look very familiar. Have we met before?"


He grins and rubs his bottom lip. "You sure?"

I ignore his question, "Are we going to the hospital?"

He shakes his head. "No."

"Where are you taking me?"

He ignores me and keeps his eyes in front of him. I lift myself off the seat and reach for the knob on the door, I go to unlock it but the locks disappear into the little hole. My eyes being to feel heavy and my body a little weaker. "Where are you taking me?" I mange to speak a little louder.

He continues to ignore me and not acknowledge my presence.

"Let me out..."

"Shut up!" He snaps.

I bang my hand on the window, trying to break it. But I'm too weak, "Let me out."

The car comes to a sudden halt, I fly into the seat in front of me and smack my face against a bar.


My eyes flutter open, I take in my surroundings. I'm in a small wooden room, my hands are zip tied to a pole, there's a small window on the far wall, but it's covered by a black curtain. The dark rusty door swings open, a black figure enters the room. As they come closer I am able to make out more features of the mans face. His thin lips curve into the smallest smile. His eyes are a deep hazel brown, he has a coupled freckles on the side of his nose and a very unique scar along his jaw, and a large tattoo peaks out of the top of his shirt and trails up his neck. This isn't the same man that hit me with his car.

"Good, your awake." He bends down next to me.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

"Surely you recognize me, Jordyn."

I shake my head, "No...."

He chuckles and pets my dirty hair, "That's funny, considering that we were in high school together."

"I don't know you."

He rubs my cheek with the back of his hand and tosses my hair behind my shoulder. "I'm Brant, Jordy."

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