Withering Flowers. Chapter Fourteen.

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Chapter 14. Withering Flowers.
Two days later.

I run up to Mason and wrap my arms around him. He bends down and lifts me up, planting kisses on my face.

"They found her!" He exclaims.

I jump in excitement. "I know! I know!"

Woods chuckles as him and the police chief walk out of his office. He adjusts his tie and shakes the mans hand. "It has been a pleasure."

The man nods and lays both his hands upon his. "It has, I'm so sorry for the inconvenience we will be sure to send it his way."

Woods nods. "Thank you, if you need anything just call." He hands him his card.

"Of course, if you need anything as well-"

He pats the Chiefs shoulder, "Thank you." He tells him before working his way over to us.

"Thank you Woods." I wrap my arms around his back for a moment before letting go. "You've been so great to us."

He smiles and smacks Masons back. "You're welcome. It's the least I could have done."

Mason gives Woods a bro hug. "Thank you."


"So she just took off with her boyfriend?" I ask Woods as I tap my finger against my cup, my engagement ring making a small clinging noise.

He nods. "Yes."

"So how come they came here and thought it was Mason that did something?" I inquire, tucking my curly hair behind my ear, propping my head in my hand.

"Well," Woods clears his throat and folds his hands on top of the table. "Sydney Brown was the girl that said Mason had touched her. So when she went missing they assumed, making him a suspect, and on top of that there was a bloody shovel in your closet. I can't figure out how it would have gotten there. We know none of us put it there, so someone who's very good at breaking in without leaving a trace, placed it there, or someone we know placed it there. I'm stumped on which. Joel, Jermaine, and I all have keys. Possibly someone snuck our keys away without our knowledge, but I really don't know."

I rub my forehead and place my hand on Mason's thigh. "This is just great."

"Is there someone else that could have a copy of your key?"

Mason and I look at each other, both shaking our heads. "No." Mason says, raking his fingers through his hair, leaning his chest against the table. "Only the three of you, Zoey, and Kyle. Thats it."

I hear the front door open and slam shut, Joel pops around the corner, placing a paper bag on the counter. "I brought refreshments." He pulls out a large bottle of vodka, whiskey, and Rum. He grabs three glasses out of the cabinet, pouring the vodka into all three glasses. He places the cups on the table, sliding one over to Mason. "Woods?" He holds a glass in front of Woods.

Woods waves his hands in front of him. "No, I'm working. Maybe later though."

"Alright, more for me." He chugs down both glasses and grabs the Rum bottle, refilling his cup.

Mason swallows all of the clear liquid, "Thanks, it's just what I needed."

Joel nods and tops his cup off.  "And theres plenty more of it."

"Is it not a little early to be drinking?" I ask, glancing over at Mason.

Joel grabs Woods arm and looks at his watch. "It's only twelve, not like its eight in the morning."

I feel my jaw tighten, "Close enough."

"I think Mason deserves it, he looks like shit."

Mason scowled Joel, "Thanks man."

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