They, well they as in mostly Amaryllis, came up with a quick plan before setting out. It was a simple one, split up and take out whoever they could from their side and work inwards. Since their weren't too many opponents and according to Amaryllis, none of them were very experienced in combat. So neither of them expect this to be a difficult task.

Amaryllis went to one side as Toya went to the other. Toya slid through the brushes with his mind buzzing. He hopped down the small slope to hide behind a pile of packages. He couldn't help but get the thought that Amaryllis has something to prove by doing this little raid. He was well aware that she could of easily alerted authorities and they could of dealt with it. He wasn't even sure if she was allowed to do these types of things by herself, seeing how she wasn't even a pro hero.

There was a tap on Toya's shoulder and his instincts kicked in and he whipped around ready. Seeing how he didn't recognize the face of the tappet, his hand grew ablaze with blue fire and made contact with the man's chest. The force had ultimately shoved him back a few feet and ended up setting his shirt on fire, which was something that Toya didn't plan on but it worked.

This display had caught the attention of most of the workers giving Amaryllis the opening she had wanted. Toya watched as she sprung over the packages with grace, knocking out 2 men with ease. Once again, Toya couldn't put into words how attractive he found Amaryllis in this moment.

Toya had been distracted and didn't notice the advancing workers. One had a raised crow bar and seemed to have the intention of hitting him across the head with it. He twisted out of the way and swung around to give the worker and good kick in the back, knocking her to the ground. The next one seemed to be a bit smarter than the last, and came at Toya with his quirk at the ready.

The quirk looked to have something to do with his fist, for the looked hard and sharpe and he tried his best to hit Toya with them. Toya found out the hard way when he raised his arms to block a punch and instead received sheering pain on his forearm and a torn sleeve. Toya swung with leg around and made contact with the man, sending his a good ways back, he noticed how there was a trail of smoke following his foot.

The man recovered rather quickly, Toya was surprised by it. He came for Toya straight on once again, his harsh fists raised and ready. Toya took more care to dodge his attacks this time around, when noticed an opening Toya reared his flame bearing fist back and decked the worker right in his stomach. The man coughed and surrendered with a fall to the ground. Toya took the effort to put out the blue flames dancing on his jacket.

Toya scanned the clearing, seeing Amaryllis dealing with a few of the workers. Once again, Toya couldn't help but admire Amaryllis. This was a side of her that he has not had the pleasure of seeing yet. She had quick flawless movements that were easy to tell that she had been mastering for years. The glistening spear swirling around her palm and her limps arched and ready to strike. And one cannot overlook the intense look in those red eyes. Toya had to admit that he loved it, that look. There was just something about it that struck a certain part of him that sent pleasurable waves through his body.

However, this was cut short when Toya noticed a few workers scrambling with a certain package. Something about it didn't sit well with Toya. The package itself was very different, for it was one of the larger ones and seemed to be made out of metal, along with a heavy duty lock. Although Toya was a good ways away he couldn't help but over hear the conversation of the two workers.

"What the fuck are you thinking!" One said, he sounded very alarmed, clutching onto a set of keys for dear life. "You can't let that fucker out!"

"Shut it!" The other one replied, she was the one fiddling with the lock on the crate. "This is a newer version, he'll leave us alone," she snatched the keys away from the other man and shoved them into the lock. "And," the women added in a rush, "if we don't deal with these shits now we'll face worse consequences." With a simple turn of a key the lock fell from the crate and there was a sound that emitted from the crate that sounded like a dying animal. Toya felt a dark pit tighten in his stomach.

The workers bolted away from the door of the crate and there was another rattle. By this point, everyone had stopped in their tracks to gaze at the vibrating metal crate.

There was a long harsh hiss as a long black claw inched it's way out of the crate. Shat followed was a horrifying creature. It looked like some sort of mutated tiger, it was jet black with bugling muscles and long sharper claws. Four blood shot eyes scanned the area and its jaw was parted showing off sharpe white teeth and a long green tongue. It was truly terrifying, like something that had leaped out of someone's worst nightmare.

It's eyes locked on to a poor unfortunate soul of a worker. It leaned down and thrust itself into the air with ease, its eyes gleaming with a crazed look.

The worker screamed as he tried to scramble away, but his efforts were in vain. The beast's claws latched onto his legs, sinking it's claws deep into his skin. He screamed, falling to the ground, his worthless attempt at clawing away as the beast drew him closer. The creature loomed over the frightened man, taking it's time to run the long green tongue over the worker's face, leaving his face covered in saliva. It then turned into a bloody massacre. The beast ripped into the man's chest, tearing into his flesh and ripping out his insides. It was truly terrifying. Out of everything Toya and seen and endured over the years, nothing compares to this. The high pitched scream from the worker being disemboweled and the snarls coming the beast just enjoying itself. Blood splattering every which way and no one moving a single muscle, paralyzed by fear.

When the screaming finally stopped and the man was dead did the beast rise. It's jaw dripped blood as it gazed around once again. Looking for it's next victim.

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