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"Morning Yoongi." I say with a tired smile as I walk into the living room.
"Ah good morning- are you excited for our vacation?" Yoongi replies, his voice still husky from being tired.
I nod. "I'm thrilled really-" I then look at the couch in which he is sitting on, "-May I?" I ask, implying that I wish to sit on the couch.
"Go ahead." He says, patting the spot next to him.

After sitting down next to him, we start to talk about random things. We get to the topic of music and Yoongi offers me a headphone, which I gladly take as we both listen to the music we learned we both have a love for.
I lean my head back and close my eyes, Yoongi doing the same soon after. "Relaxing right?" He asks with a chuckle. "Extremely." I respond, feeling at peace.

I don't notice that Hoseok had come out until I hear him greet Taehyung in the kitchen.
"Good Morning Hoseok~" I say as I turn around to look the the kitchen's entryway.
"Ah good morning (Y/N), sleep well?" He asks as we walks over to the side of the couch.
I nod. "Like a rock. Soyeonie is still out like a light."
I then hear an easily recognizable voice from the hallway. "That girl could sleep through a damn tsunami." My brother says with a laugh as he enters the living room.
"Morning Jungkookie~" Taehyung says with a cheerful smile. God that boy is adorable.
"Morning~" Jungkook responds with a tone that can distinguish the fact that he is a damn lovesick puppy(or bunny.)
I giggle as I look at the two. "Boyfriend goals~"
"YeAh SEe ThEY'Re GOaLs WhY CanT We Be lIkE ThAt hUH?!" I hear a voice which is one I can't ever erase from my mind: Kim Seokjin. He whines as he complains to Namjoon, obviously wanting affection from him.
"Wait what?" I respond as I look at the two.
"No one knows (Y/N), no one knows." I hear Jimin reply as he shuffles out into the living room.

We all gather in the living room and talk for a while as Jin cooks breakfast for us.
"Mmmorning everyone~" I hear my sleepy best friend attempt to speak as she drags herself into the living room.
"Morning Soyeon~" I say with a giggle.
"Aish, Soyeonie you look like a zombie." My brother responds with a laugh.
"Shut up fool." She responds with a death glare.
"Just in time Soyeon! I just finished breakfast!" Jin says as he walks out into the living room, wiping his hands on his pink apron.
"Finally I get to taste your morning cooking~" Soyeon says with a smile.

We all head into the dining area and sit down in front of the multitude of food presented on the table.
"Ahh! Jin this looks amazing!" I say as drool practically pools out of my mouth.
"It's probably the most Egg-celent breakfast I've ever made!" Jin exclaims as he erupts into his windshield wiper laughter.
Jimin and Soyeon both lose their shit and laugh just as hardly, and Hoseok and Taehyung let out a small chuckle while the rest of us just sigh in disappointment.

The rest of breakfast is fine, no more Jin jokes arise and I'm thankful for that. Afterwards we get dressed in our airport clothes (see below) and get our suitcases. Then we leave to go pick up Ara, and head to the airport.

Vacation here we come!



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Secretive Love// Hoseok/J-hope x Reader// BTS FanficWhere stories live. Discover now